fredag 29 januari 2010

Korruption leder till Hamas maktövertagande?

Fahmi Shabaneh som har haft till uppgift att bekämpa korruptionen inom de palestinska myndigheterna säger att risken är stor att Hamas kommer att ta över makten också på västbanken.
President Abbas omger sig med samma korrupta rådgivare som var verksamma under Arafats tid. Palestinierna har förlorat hopppet om att de palestinska myndigheterna (Fatah) skall kunna reformeras och därmed kommer Hamas att ta över på Västbanken på samma sätt som i Gaza.
Utan Israels militära närvaro i området skulle Hamas redan ha sparkat ut Fatah.
Läs mera i en artikel av Khaled Abu Toameh i Jerusalem Post: ‘Corruption will let Hamas take W. Bank'
"Shabaneh cited several specific cases of alleged corruption within Fatah and the PA in the course of the interview, including asserting that Fatah personnel stole much of a $3.2 million donation given by the US to Fatah ahead of the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary election, won by Hamas, which had been intended to improve Fatah’s image and boost its chances of winning...
...Shabaneh insisted that the decision to pursue corrupt officials in Abbas’s inner circle was part of the PA president’s declared policy to combat financial corruption. “In his pre-election platform, President Abbas promised to end financial corruption and implement major reforms, but he hasn’t done much since then,” he said. “Unfortunately, Abbas has surrounded himself with many of the thieves and officials who were involved in theft of public funds and who became icons of financial corruption.”Shabaneh said that as head of the anti-corruption unit he and his men succeeded in exposing dozens of cases involving senior officials who had stolen public funds but were never held accountable.“Some of the most senior Palestinian officials didn’t have even $3,000 in their pocket when they arrived [after the signing of the Oslo Accords],” Shabaneh said. “Yet we discovered that some of them had tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars in their bank accounts.
Until today we didn’t hear about one official who was brought to trial for stealing money from the PA, although we had transferred many of the cases to the Palestinian prosecutor-general.”

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