Naturligtvis finns det saker man kan kritisera i Israel men det verkar som om en del av uppgifterna i dokumenten inte riktigt stämmer överens med verkligheten.
EU baserar sina ställningstaganden på uppgifter från olika NGO grupper utan att verifiera dem och utan att låta israeliska myndigheter presentera den israeliska versionen av situationen.
En israelisk diplomat uttryckte det ungefär så här: Allt beror vad man väljer att fokusera på. Man kan också måla en mörk bild av Europa om man t.ex. väljer att fokusera på extrem högerns framgångar och den betydelse det i värsta fall kan ha för Europas framtid.
Israeliska utrikesministeriets talesman säger:
" The
conclusions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on the Middle East Peace
Process include a long list of claims and criticism that are based on a
partial, biased and one-sided depiction of realities on the ground. Such
a public presentation does not contribute to advance the process."
"A JERUSALEM-BASED organisation has released a report lambasting the European Union for spreading inaccurate information about Israel and the Middle East conflict.
Between 2010 and early 2012, six documents from the offices of EU representatives in Israel and the West Bank have been leaked, and all of them were critical of Israel. Now, NGO Monitor, Israel’s self-appointed watchdog of human rights bodies, said it has identified dozens of factual inaccuracies in the reports."
EU Documents Repeat False NGO Claims and Increase Tension (NGO Monitor)
"The documents repeat many of the false, inaccurate or misleading allegations made by a select group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are based in Israel and the Palestinian Authority but receive much of their funding from the EU and member states. "
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