De senaste två dagarna har maskerade arabiska ynglingar attackerat judiska besökare på Tempelberget med stenkastning. Polisen har snabbt återställt ordningen.
Arabs attack police, visitors on Temple Mount for 2nd day
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
måndag 27 juni 2016
Israel och Turkiet normaliserar sina relationer
Efter sex år av ansträngda relationer verkar Israel och Turkiet nu återupprätta normala diplomatiska relationer.
Efter att turkiska skepp (bl.a. Mavi Marmara) år 2010 försökte upphäva sjöblockaden av Gaza och stoppades av israeliska soldater har relationerna mellan Israel och Turkiet varit dåliga.
Nu har man kommit överens om att Israel betalar en ersättning på närmare 20 miljoner euro till Turkiet.
Turkiet kommer härefter att sända hjälp till Gaza via den israeliska hamnen i Ashdod. Turkiet har lovat att inte motarbeta Israels deltagande i internationella organisationer och ambassadörer förväntas utbytas inom kort.
Avtalet mellan länderna är en diplomatisk kompromiss som många kommer att kritisera. I Israel riktas kritiken mot att man nu betalar ersättning till angriparna och det sägs vara oklokt och förödmjukande.
Netanyahu ( och också Turkiet) presenterar avtalet som en stor framgång.
Ending years of rancor, Israel and Turkey reboot relationship
Israel and Turkey find magical land where (almost) everyone’s a winner
Efter att turkiska skepp (bl.a. Mavi Marmara) år 2010 försökte upphäva sjöblockaden av Gaza och stoppades av israeliska soldater har relationerna mellan Israel och Turkiet varit dåliga.
Nu har man kommit överens om att Israel betalar en ersättning på närmare 20 miljoner euro till Turkiet.
Turkiet kommer härefter att sända hjälp till Gaza via den israeliska hamnen i Ashdod. Turkiet har lovat att inte motarbeta Israels deltagande i internationella organisationer och ambassadörer förväntas utbytas inom kort.
Avtalet mellan länderna är en diplomatisk kompromiss som många kommer att kritisera. I Israel riktas kritiken mot att man nu betalar ersättning till angriparna och det sägs vara oklokt och förödmjukande.
Netanyahu ( och också Turkiet) presenterar avtalet som en stor framgång.
Ending years of rancor, Israel and Turkey reboot relationship
Israel and Turkey find magical land where (almost) everyone’s a winner
Abbas tal i Bryssel väckte reaktioner
När Abbas talade i Bryssel senaste vecka framförde han bland andra lögner också lögnen om att judiska rabbiner uppmanar judar att förgifta palestiniernas brunnar.
Eftersom detta är en gammal antisemitisk lögn och Abbas framförde påståendet i Europa väckte det så pass starka reaktioner att Abbas kansli blev tvungen att publicera en forma av ursäkt.
PMW: (Abbas uttalande och hans halvhjärtade ursäkt)
The following is the excerpt from Abbas' speech reiterating the poison wells libel:
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "There is an issue that the Israelis are bringing up, and that is the issue of incitement. Despite the fact that the Israeli incitement does not stop, and the actions of the occupation (i.e., Israel) and the settlers do not stop... Just a week ago, some rabbis rose up in Israel and explicitly announced and demanded of their government that it poison the water in order to kill the Palestinians. Is this not clear incitement? Is this not clear incitement, whose goal is to carry out a mass murder of Palestinians? We are against incitement!"
[Official PA TV, June 23, 2016]
The following is the text of the retraction published by Abbas' office:
Headline: "[PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas]: Palestine is the cradle of the three monotheistic religions, and we are not among those who harm any one of them"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the Israeli accusations and declarations directed against him and against the Palestinian people, according to which he harmed Judaism, and condemned accusations against him of Antisemitism.
After it became clear that the reports that were published in many media outlets about the declarations of a rabbi regarding the poisoning of Palestinian wells were baseless, President Abbas - out of the deep respect he has for all religions, including Judaism - emphasizes that he did not intend to harm Judaism or its believers in general. However, at the same time he condemns the illegal actions and steps of the occupation authorities (i.e., Israel) and its settlers against the Palestinian people, including the incitement against him and against his rights."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 25, 2016
Israel accuses Abbas of peddling lies, promoting blood libels
Abbas walks back claim rabbis sought to ‘poison’ Palestinian wells
PM: Water poisoning claims prove Abbas no peace partner
Uttalande från Abbas rådgivare: (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas' advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein:“Regarding the matter of normalization [with Israel] and the participation of members of the Fatah leadership and members of the PLO Executive Committee in Israeli conferences, Abu Al-Einein said: ‘If you would ask me about my personal position, I would tell you - every place you find an Israeli cut off his head. Likewise, I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation.’”
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]
Eftersom detta är en gammal antisemitisk lögn och Abbas framförde påståendet i Europa väckte det så pass starka reaktioner att Abbas kansli blev tvungen att publicera en forma av ursäkt.
PMW: (Abbas uttalande och hans halvhjärtade ursäkt)
The following is the excerpt from Abbas' speech reiterating the poison wells libel:
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "There is an issue that the Israelis are bringing up, and that is the issue of incitement. Despite the fact that the Israeli incitement does not stop, and the actions of the occupation (i.e., Israel) and the settlers do not stop... Just a week ago, some rabbis rose up in Israel and explicitly announced and demanded of their government that it poison the water in order to kill the Palestinians. Is this not clear incitement? Is this not clear incitement, whose goal is to carry out a mass murder of Palestinians? We are against incitement!"
[Official PA TV, June 23, 2016]
The following is the text of the retraction published by Abbas' office:
Headline: "[PA] President [Mahmoud Abbas]: Palestine is the cradle of the three monotheistic religions, and we are not among those who harm any one of them"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas rejected the Israeli accusations and declarations directed against him and against the Palestinian people, according to which he harmed Judaism, and condemned accusations against him of Antisemitism.
After it became clear that the reports that were published in many media outlets about the declarations of a rabbi regarding the poisoning of Palestinian wells were baseless, President Abbas - out of the deep respect he has for all religions, including Judaism - emphasizes that he did not intend to harm Judaism or its believers in general. However, at the same time he condemns the illegal actions and steps of the occupation authorities (i.e., Israel) and its settlers against the Palestinian people, including the incitement against him and against his rights."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 25, 2016
Israel accuses Abbas of peddling lies, promoting blood libels
Abbas walks back claim rabbis sought to ‘poison’ Palestinian wells
PM: Water poisoning claims prove Abbas no peace partner
Uttalande från Abbas rådgivare: (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas' advisor, Sultan Abu Al-Einein:“Regarding the matter of normalization [with Israel] and the participation of members of the Fatah leadership and members of the PLO Executive Committee in Israeli conferences, Abu Al-Einein said: ‘If you would ask me about my personal position, I would tell you - every place you find an Israeli cut off his head. Likewise, I am against talks, negotiations, meetings, and normalization in all its forms with the Israeli occupation.’”
[Donia Al-Watan (independent Palestinian news agency), June 27, 2016]
torsdag 23 juni 2016
Abbas i Bryssel vägrade möta Israels president
Abbas har hållit ett tal inför Europaparlamentet i Bryssel. Enligt Abbas är palestinierna emot terror i alla dess former (men samtidigt betalar man nog lön åt dem).
Abbas sa också att den globala terrorismen kommer att försvinna bara Israels ockupation upphör.
Hans lögner möttes med applåder av de samlade politikerna i parlamentet.
Abbas vägrade att möta Israels president som också är i Bryssel trots att man försökte ordna ett möte.
Abbas: Stop global terrorism by ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine
'Abbas’s refusal to meet me in Brussels is strange,' Rivlin says
Abbas sa också att den globala terrorismen kommer att försvinna bara Israels ockupation upphör.
Hans lögner möttes med applåder av de samlade politikerna i parlamentet.
Abbas vägrade att möta Israels president som också är i Bryssel trots att man försökte ordna ett möte.
Abbas: Stop global terrorism by ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine
'Abbas’s refusal to meet me in Brussels is strange,' Rivlin says
tisdag 21 juni 2016
Palestinierna använder gammal antisemitisk lögn
Palestinska myndighetens utrikesministerium går ut med den gamla lögnen att judarna förgiftar brunnar för att fördriva palestinierna.
Palestinian Media Watch beskriver hur en obekräftad berättelse förändrats och förts vidare av PLO, palestinska utrikesministeriet och palestinsk nyhetsmedia. Till och med arabförbundet har fördömt förgiftningen som aldrig inträffat.
Källorna som palestinierna hänvisar till existerar inte eller förnekar berättelsen.
Man kan också notera att judar och araber ofta använder samma vattenkällor.
Palestinian Authority promotes well-poisoning blood libel
PA libel: Israeli rabbis called to poison
all Palestinian wells
Palestinian Media Watch beskriver hur en obekräftad berättelse förändrats och förts vidare av PLO, palestinska utrikesministeriet och palestinsk nyhetsmedia. Till och med arabförbundet har fördömt förgiftningen som aldrig inträffat.
Källorna som palestinierna hänvisar till existerar inte eller förnekar berättelsen.
Man kan också notera att judar och araber ofta använder samma vattenkällor.
Palestinian Authority promotes well-poisoning blood libel
PA libel: Israeli rabbis called to poison
all Palestinian wells
fredag 17 juni 2016
Falska anklagelser mot Israel
Flera västerländska nyhetsförmedlare spred i går en falsk nyhet om att Israel skulle ha avbrutit vattenleveranserna till västbanken. "Nyheten" kom ursprungligen från Al Jazeera.
I verkligheten handlade det om ett vattenrör som gått sönder och snabbt reparerades av israeliska arbetare.
Men skadan var skedd och Israel svartmålades ivrigt av media:
Independent: Ramadan 2016: Israel 'cuts off water supply to West Bank' during Muslim holy month
International Business Times: Israel reportedly shuts down water supply to West Bank during Ramadan
Radio New Zealand: Israel cuts off water during Ramadan
The Times of London: Israelis cut off water to West Bank
Jerusalem Post: COGAT: West Bank water supply to Palestinians increased, not decreased
Honest Reporting: “Water Apartheid” Was Really Just a Burst Pipe, But the Media Don’t Care
Artikeln innehåller också lite fakta om vattensituationen i området.
I verkligheten handlade det om ett vattenrör som gått sönder och snabbt reparerades av israeliska arbetare.
Men skadan var skedd och Israel svartmålades ivrigt av media:
Independent: Ramadan 2016: Israel 'cuts off water supply to West Bank' during Muslim holy month
International Business Times: Israel reportedly shuts down water supply to West Bank during Ramadan
Radio New Zealand: Israel cuts off water during Ramadan
The Times of London: Israelis cut off water to West Bank
Jerusalem Post: COGAT: West Bank water supply to Palestinians increased, not decreased
Honest Reporting: “Water Apartheid” Was Really Just a Burst Pipe, But the Media Don’t Care
Artikeln innehåller också lite fakta om vattensituationen i området.
torsdag 16 juni 2016
Palestinska undervisningsministern hedrade mördare
Den palestinska undervisningsministern Sabri Saidam besökte för några dagar sedan en skola för att hedra minnet av tre elever som gått i skolan. Bland de hedrade fanns den yngling som dödade den 19-åriga polisen Hadar Cohen i februari.
PA Minister of Education honors terrorist
who murdered 19-year-old policewoman (PMW)
Itamar Marcus
The Palestinian Authority Minister of Education visited a school this week in order to “honor the souls” of three terrorist “Martyrs” who had attended the school. Among the “Martyrs” was the murderer earlier this year of 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, an Israeli policewoman.
The article in the official PA daily points out that the students in the school named their class after two of the terrorists.
The Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, added that:
“After the announcement of the results of the high school matriculation exams, a tribute to the Martyrs' families will be held at this school as a sign of loyalty to them and to their sacrifice.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 12, 2016]
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that a central teaching of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education is terror glorification.
The following is a longer excerpt from the article describing the PA Miniser of Education's visit:
“Minister of Education and Higher Education, Sabri Saidam visited the high school matriculation exam halls at the Qabatiya and Tubas (PA) Education Directorates yesterday [June 11, 2016]. At the Qabatiya Directorate, Saidam visited the exam halls of the Martyr (Shahid) Izzat Abu Al-Rubb High School. The visit was held in honor of the souls of three of its students who died this year as Martyrs... [including] Martyr Ahmad Awwad Abu Al-Rubb - who died as a Martyr on November 2 (actually November 11 -Ed.), 2015, at the Jalame checkpoint in Jenin, while accompanied by his friend Mahmoud Ma’man Abu Kmeil, who was also a high school student [and] who was wounded and arrested afterwards - and Martyr Ahmad Najah Abu Al-Rubb - who died as a Martyr last February 3 [2016] in Jerusalem with his friends Ahmad Zakarneh and Muhammad Kmeil, who died as Martyrs together with him (i.e., after murdering an Israeli policewoman).
The students taking the high school matriculation exams in the school’s different courses of study, who number 175, gave themselves the name: “Class of Martyrs Kmeil and Abu Al-Rubb.” Minister Saidam said: ‘After the announcement of the results of the high school matriculation exams, a tribute to the Martyrs' families will be held at this school as a sign of loyalty to them and to their sacrifice.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 12, 2016]
Izzat Abu Al-Rubb was a Fatah military leader who participated in a number of terror attacks against Israel.
Ahmad Awwad Abu Al-Rubb - a Palestinian terrorist who, with an accomplice, attempted to stab Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Jenin on Nov. 11, 2015. Abu Al-Rubb was shot and killed by soldiers during the attack.
Ahmad Najah Abu Al-Rubb, Ahmad Zakarneh and Muhammad Kmeil - three Palestinian terrorists in their early 20's who shot and stabbed two Israeli police officers at the Damascus gate in Jerusalem on Feb. 3, 2016. One of the officers, 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, was fatally wounded and died of her wounds. The second officer was seriously wounded. The terrorists, who attacked the policewomen after they were asked for identification, were carrying machine guns, knives, and pipe bombs, leading the police to suspect they were planning a mass attack against civilians. The terrorists were shot and killed at the scene by Israeli police.
PA Minister of Education honors terrorist
who murdered 19-year-old policewoman (PMW)
Itamar Marcus
The Palestinian Authority Minister of Education visited a school this week in order to “honor the souls” of three terrorist “Martyrs” who had attended the school. Among the “Martyrs” was the murderer earlier this year of 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, an Israeli policewoman.
The article in the official PA daily points out that the students in the school named their class after two of the terrorists.
The Minister of Education, Sabri Saidam, added that:
“After the announcement of the results of the high school matriculation exams, a tribute to the Martyrs' families will be held at this school as a sign of loyalty to them and to their sacrifice.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 12, 2016]
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that a central teaching of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education is terror glorification.
The following is a longer excerpt from the article describing the PA Miniser of Education's visit:
“Minister of Education and Higher Education, Sabri Saidam visited the high school matriculation exam halls at the Qabatiya and Tubas (PA) Education Directorates yesterday [June 11, 2016]. At the Qabatiya Directorate, Saidam visited the exam halls of the Martyr (Shahid) Izzat Abu Al-Rubb High School. The visit was held in honor of the souls of three of its students who died this year as Martyrs... [including] Martyr Ahmad Awwad Abu Al-Rubb - who died as a Martyr on November 2 (actually November 11 -Ed.), 2015, at the Jalame checkpoint in Jenin, while accompanied by his friend Mahmoud Ma’man Abu Kmeil, who was also a high school student [and] who was wounded and arrested afterwards - and Martyr Ahmad Najah Abu Al-Rubb - who died as a Martyr last February 3 [2016] in Jerusalem with his friends Ahmad Zakarneh and Muhammad Kmeil, who died as Martyrs together with him (i.e., after murdering an Israeli policewoman).
The students taking the high school matriculation exams in the school’s different courses of study, who number 175, gave themselves the name: “Class of Martyrs Kmeil and Abu Al-Rubb.” Minister Saidam said: ‘After the announcement of the results of the high school matriculation exams, a tribute to the Martyrs' families will be held at this school as a sign of loyalty to them and to their sacrifice.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 12, 2016]
Izzat Abu Al-Rubb was a Fatah military leader who participated in a number of terror attacks against Israel.
Ahmad Awwad Abu Al-Rubb - a Palestinian terrorist who, with an accomplice, attempted to stab Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint near Jenin on Nov. 11, 2015. Abu Al-Rubb was shot and killed by soldiers during the attack.
Ahmad Najah Abu Al-Rubb, Ahmad Zakarneh and Muhammad Kmeil - three Palestinian terrorists in their early 20's who shot and stabbed two Israeli police officers at the Damascus gate in Jerusalem on Feb. 3, 2016. One of the officers, 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, was fatally wounded and died of her wounds. The second officer was seriously wounded. The terrorists, who attacked the policewomen after they were asked for identification, were carrying machine guns, knives, and pipe bombs, leading the police to suspect they were planning a mass attack against civilians. The terrorists were shot and killed at the scene by Israeli police.
onsdag 15 juni 2016
Facebook gjorde bort sig eller...?
Facebook apologizes for removing pro-Israel post
Den till vänster ansågs strida mot Facebooks regler. Den till höger var OK.
Den till vänster ansågs strida mot Facebooks regler. Den till höger var OK.
Desmond Tutu rekommenderar terrorist för Nobels fredspris
Det är tråkigt när kristna ledare ställer sig i det ondas tjänst. Ärkebiskop Desmond Tutu från Sydafrika har nominerat den palestinska terroristen Marwan Barghouti för Nobels fredspris. Barghouti är dömd för flera mord och sitter i israeliskt fängelse. Han har inte gjort något som gör honom aktuell för ett fredspris, men å andra sidan fick ju Yasser Arafat priset så man behöver tydligen inte göra något för fred för att få eller nomineras för priset.
Desmond Tutu nominates jailed Palestinian for Nobel Peace Prize 2017
Här lite bakgrundsfakta:
Desmond Tutu is Wrong about Marwan Barghouti (TheTimes of Israel, Emmanuel Navon))
"By recommending Marwan Barghouti for the Nobel Peace Prize, Archbishop Desmond Tutu made two mistakes: firstly, by comparing the struggle of the Palestinians to that of South Africa’s Blacks; secondly, by depicting Barghouti as a peace-loving freedom fighter..."
Desmond Tutu nominates jailed Palestinian for Nobel Peace Prize 2017
Här lite bakgrundsfakta:
Desmond Tutu is Wrong about Marwan Barghouti (TheTimes of Israel, Emmanuel Navon))
"By recommending Marwan Barghouti for the Nobel Peace Prize, Archbishop Desmond Tutu made two mistakes: firstly, by comparing the struggle of the Palestinians to that of South Africa’s Blacks; secondly, by depicting Barghouti as a peace-loving freedom fighter..."
tisdag 7 juni 2016
Palestinsk historieförfalskning och dödsdyrkan
Abbas falsely claims
6,000-year-old Palestinian nation (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas:
"The Bible says that the Palestinians existed before Abraham"
"The invention of the Canaanite-Palestinian alphabet [was] more than 6,000 years ago"
Abbas' advisor claims
5,000-year Palestinian history in the land:
Mahmoud Al-Habbash:
"We have been here for the last 5,000 years, and have not left this land"
"Our forefathers are the monotheist Canaanites and Jebusites"
Abbas' statement about the Bible is false. The only Biblical reference Abbas could be talking about is the text that Abraham dwelt "many days in the land of the Philistines." (Genesis 21: 34). However, the Philistines have no connection to today's Palestinian Arabs. The Philistines were a people of Greek origin who settled in the land of Canaan and lived beside the Israelite tribes. The Palestinians who are Arabs could not have had ancestors in the land from biblical times predating Israelite and Judean statehood because Arabs only arrived in the land in 637 CE with the Muslim invasion. Needless to say, the "Palestinians" are not mentioned in the Bible. Significantly, Abbas says that this "fact" - which is a fabrication - is what gives Palestinians a "right" to the land.
Fatah leader praises terrorist stabbers: (PMW)
“They performed a miracle
by imposing a curfew within Israel
with knives and rocks”
“Blessings to the mothers and fathers who gave birth
to those who are marching on the path of light”
"...anyone who “talks about renewing the relations with Israel is not a Palestinian and not a member of Fatah!”
Talet hölls vid ett examenstillfälle på ett utbildningscenter som sköts av FN (UNRWA) och platsen var Röda Halvmånens högkvarter i Ramalla.
6,000-year-old Palestinian nation (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas:
"The Bible says that the Palestinians existed before Abraham"
"The invention of the Canaanite-Palestinian alphabet [was] more than 6,000 years ago"
Abbas' advisor claims
5,000-year Palestinian history in the land:
Mahmoud Al-Habbash:
"We have been here for the last 5,000 years, and have not left this land"
"Our forefathers are the monotheist Canaanites and Jebusites"
Abbas' statement about the Bible is false. The only Biblical reference Abbas could be talking about is the text that Abraham dwelt "many days in the land of the Philistines." (Genesis 21: 34). However, the Philistines have no connection to today's Palestinian Arabs. The Philistines were a people of Greek origin who settled in the land of Canaan and lived beside the Israelite tribes. The Palestinians who are Arabs could not have had ancestors in the land from biblical times predating Israelite and Judean statehood because Arabs only arrived in the land in 637 CE with the Muslim invasion. Needless to say, the "Palestinians" are not mentioned in the Bible. Significantly, Abbas says that this "fact" - which is a fabrication - is what gives Palestinians a "right" to the land.
Fatah leader praises terrorist stabbers: (PMW)
“They performed a miracle
by imposing a curfew within Israel
with knives and rocks”
“Blessings to the mothers and fathers who gave birth
to those who are marching on the path of light”
"...anyone who “talks about renewing the relations with Israel is not a Palestinian and not a member of Fatah!”
Talet hölls vid ett examenstillfälle på ett utbildningscenter som sköts av FN (UNRWA) och platsen var Röda Halvmånens högkvarter i Ramalla.
Läsvärd repetition av händelserna för 49 år sedan
Why History Matters: The 1967 Six-Day War
"...But without an understanding of what happened in the past, it’s impossible to grasp where we are today — and where we are has profound relevance for the region and the world.
Forty-nine years ago this month, the Six-Day War broke out..."
"...But without an understanding of what happened in the past, it’s impossible to grasp where we are today — and where we are has profound relevance for the region and the world.
Forty-nine years ago this month, the Six-Day War broke out..."
Finlands utrikesminister besökte Israel
Senaste vecka besökte Finlands utrikesminister Timo Soini Israel. Det var bra att han klart sa ut att Finland motsätter sig bojkott av Israel, vad det sedan betyder i praktiken är en annan sak.
PM Netanyahu Meets with Finnish FM Timo Soini
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today met with Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini. At the start of the meeting, the Prime Minister detailed Israel's reasons for opposing the French initiative; he said that the conference would allow the Palestinians to evade direct negotiations.
Finnish Foreign Minister Soini emphasized that Finland opposed boycotts against Israel and expressed complete opposition to BDS activity.
The two men also discussed opportunities for enhancing bilateral relations on a range of issues
Timo Soini:
"Tein hyödyllisen vierailun Israeliin ja Palestiinaan. Sain hyvän vastaanoton joka paikassa. Tilanne on vaikea, eikä luottamusta juuri ole. Toivoa on kuitenkin aina..."
PM Netanyahu Meets with Finnish FM Timo Soini
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today met with Finnish Foreign Minister Timo Soini. At the start of the meeting, the Prime Minister detailed Israel's reasons for opposing the French initiative; he said that the conference would allow the Palestinians to evade direct negotiations.
Finnish Foreign Minister Soini emphasized that Finland opposed boycotts against Israel and expressed complete opposition to BDS activity.
The two men also discussed opportunities for enhancing bilateral relations on a range of issues
![]() |
Photo by Kobi Gideon, GPO |
"Tein hyödyllisen vierailun Israeliin ja Palestiinaan. Sain hyvän vastaanoton joka paikassa. Tilanne on vaikea, eikä luottamusta juuri ole. Toivoa on kuitenkin aina..."
Begränsad yttrandefrihet eller stopp för hatpropaganda i EU
Soeren Kern skriver om ett ganska kontroversiellt beslut som inte nödvändigtvis behöver ha negativa konsekvenser, men som nog kan ha det:
EU förklarar krig mot yttrandefriheten på nätet
"I veckan antog EU tillsammans med Facebook, Twitter, YouTube och Microsoft en ny "uppförandekod", i syfte att motverka "olaglig hatpropaganda" i Europa.
Förespråkarna hävdar att efter de senaste terrorattackerna i Paris och Bryssel, är det nödvändigt att ta krafttag för att bekämpa jihadistpropaganda på nätet.
Motståndare menar att åtgärden är en attack på yttrandefriheten i Europa. Man menar att EUs definition av "hatpropaganda" och "våldsuppmaningar" är så vag att nästan vad som helst kan räknas in som strider mot det europeiska myndigheter anser vara politiskt korrekt, däribland kritik mot massinvandring, islam eller EU..."
EU förklarar krig mot yttrandefriheten på nätet
"I veckan antog EU tillsammans med Facebook, Twitter, YouTube och Microsoft en ny "uppförandekod", i syfte att motverka "olaglig hatpropaganda" i Europa.
Förespråkarna hävdar att efter de senaste terrorattackerna i Paris och Bryssel, är det nödvändigt att ta krafttag för att bekämpa jihadistpropaganda på nätet.
Motståndare menar att åtgärden är en attack på yttrandefriheten i Europa. Man menar att EUs definition av "hatpropaganda" och "våldsuppmaningar" är så vag att nästan vad som helst kan räknas in som strider mot det europeiska myndigheter anser vara politiskt korrekt, däribland kritik mot massinvandring, islam eller EU..."
söndag 5 juni 2016
Inget nytt från mötet i Paris
Ett uttalande i allmänna ordalag, det var i stort sett allt vad "fredssamtalen i Paris åstadkom".
Israel betraktar i alla fall mötet som ett misslyckande eftersom mötet istället för att uppmana palestinierna att återvända till förhandlingar med Israel understöder en internationell fredskonferens.
Paris summit communiqué in full (The Times of Israel)
“The Participants met in Paris on June 3, 2016 to reaffirm their support for a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“They reaffirmed that a negotiated two-state solution is the only way to achieve an enduring peace, with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. They are alarmed that actions on the ground, in particular continued acts of violence and ongoing settlement activity, are dangerously imperiling the prospects for a two-state solution.
“The Participants underscored that the status quo is not sustainable, and stressed the importance of both sides demonstrating, with policies and actions, a genuine commitment to the two-state solution in order to rebuild trust and create the conditions for fully ending the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and resolving all permanent status issues through direct negotiations based on resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), and also recalling relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and highlighting the importance of the implementation of the Arab Peace Initiative.
“The Participants discussed possible ways in which the international community could help advance the prospects for peace, including by providing meaningful incentives to the parties to make peace. The Participants also highlighted the potential for regional peace and security as envisioned by the Arab Peace Initiative.
“The Participants highlighted the key role of the Quartet and key regional stakeholders. They welcomed the interested countries’ offer to contribute to this effort. They also welcomed France’s offer to coordinate it, and the prospect of convening before the end of the year an international conference.”
TV report: Netanyahu ‘said yes’ to regional peace efforts in call with Kerry
Israel: Paris summit was a ‘missed opportunity,’ distances peace
Israel betraktar i alla fall mötet som ett misslyckande eftersom mötet istället för att uppmana palestinierna att återvända till förhandlingar med Israel understöder en internationell fredskonferens.
Paris summit communiqué in full (The Times of Israel)
“The Participants met in Paris on June 3, 2016 to reaffirm their support for a just, lasting and comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“They reaffirmed that a negotiated two-state solution is the only way to achieve an enduring peace, with two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. They are alarmed that actions on the ground, in particular continued acts of violence and ongoing settlement activity, are dangerously imperiling the prospects for a two-state solution.
“The Participants underscored that the status quo is not sustainable, and stressed the importance of both sides demonstrating, with policies and actions, a genuine commitment to the two-state solution in order to rebuild trust and create the conditions for fully ending the Israeli occupation that began in 1967 and resolving all permanent status issues through direct negotiations based on resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), and also recalling relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and highlighting the importance of the implementation of the Arab Peace Initiative.
“The Participants discussed possible ways in which the international community could help advance the prospects for peace, including by providing meaningful incentives to the parties to make peace. The Participants also highlighted the potential for regional peace and security as envisioned by the Arab Peace Initiative.
“The Participants highlighted the key role of the Quartet and key regional stakeholders. They welcomed the interested countries’ offer to contribute to this effort. They also welcomed France’s offer to coordinate it, and the prospect of convening before the end of the year an international conference.”
TV report: Netanyahu ‘said yes’ to regional peace efforts in call with Kerry
Israel: Paris summit was a ‘missed opportunity,’ distances peace
fredag 3 juni 2016
Fredskonferens i Paris
En fingervisning av vad som är att vänta av "fredssamtalen " i Paris.
France says Israeli settlements main ‘threat’ to two-state solution, ahead of peace summit (Jerusalem Post)
Forget unrelenting terrorism, the Hamas-Fatah split, and the consistent Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as the national home of the Jews. According to a French pre-summit paper published on Thursday, settlement activity is the main threat to a two-state solution...
...The document did not include a word regarding any Palestinian culpability for the current diplomatic logjam. It also seemed to seek to revitalize the notion, which lost much of its currency following the Arab Spring, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was at the core of instability in the Middle East.
France says Israeli settlements main ‘threat’ to two-state solution, ahead of peace summit (Jerusalem Post)
Forget unrelenting terrorism, the Hamas-Fatah split, and the consistent Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as the national home of the Jews. According to a French pre-summit paper published on Thursday, settlement activity is the main threat to a two-state solution...
...The document did not include a word regarding any Palestinian culpability for the current diplomatic logjam. It also seemed to seek to revitalize the notion, which lost much of its currency following the Arab Spring, that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was at the core of instability in the Middle East.
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