torsdag 28 mars 2024

Mardrömmen Israel gått igenom de senaste månaderna

 En läsvärd artikel av David Horovitz som behandlar vad Israel gått igenom de senaste månaderna.

Silver linings in an ongoing nightmare

I met with a group of Jewish leaders on a solidarity visit to Israel on Tuesday night, some of them here for the first time since October 7, and tried to give them a sense of what Israel has been going through since that blackest of days in the history of our modern state.

Touching on issues I’ve covered in these columns for almost six months, I told them that the scale of the political and military leadership failure that enabled the Hamas invasion and barbaric slaughter remains inexplicable and unfathomable; that we may never fully get over October 7; that while the IDF’s standing troops and reservists are fighting cohesively to dismantle Hamas as an organized army in Gaza, many of Israel’s pre-October internal divides have resurfaced.

We discussed the extent to which the conflict is widely misrepresented abroad — that October 7 has been airbrushed away; that Hamas’s misrepresentations are widely disseminated, including on issues as basic as its death toll summations, and that its manifest abuse of hospitals and mosques as military bases is glossed over; that Israel is blamed for the deaths of the noncombatants Gaza’s terror government uses to protect its gunmen.

We talked a little about the apparent growing inevitability of war in the north...

…Somehow, this remarkable people of ours, hundreds of thousands of whom constitute its army, I stressed to the group, has managed to both fight the war and maintain some semblance of what used to be normality...."

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