onsdag 29 april 2009

Slutintryck från Durban II

Anne Bayefski från EyeontheUN skriver om sina intryck från Durban II konferensen i Geneve.
How Durban II Undermined Human Rights
"Durban II, the U.N. conference in Geneva that ended on Friday, will forever be remembered for handing a global megaphone to genocidal hatemonger Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the name of combating racism...
Since the position of U.N. high commissioner for human rights was created in 1993, there has never been an incumbent so obviously in the pocket of Arab and Islamic countries. These states invented the global conference formula years ago in an attempt to isolate Israel, curtail free expression, manufacture victimhood that would offset concern with anti-Semitism, and prevent any mention of the racial and religious intolerance and discrimination rampant in their own backyards.
And yet, the high commissioner took the unusual step of singling out these states for praise in her closing remarks. She claimed Arab countries had made "extremely difficult" "political concessions" in not insisting on even more condemnations of Israel, while the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) "was also very cooperative." In fact, it was the stubborn refusal of Arab and Islamic states to agree to any U.N. "anti-racism" declaration that did not allege Israel is racist, which kept the U.S. and other states away. "

På videon här under kan man se hur det gick till på DurbanII konferensen. När Anne Bayefski skulle hålla sitt inlägg avbröts hon gång på gång av Irans representant som krävde att Irans namn och Irans president inte fick nämnas.

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