tisdag 4 maj 2010

From Terrorists to Role Models

The Palestinian Authority'sInstitutionalization of Incitement ( En rapport från Palestinian Media Watch)
The PA's policy of naming schools, summer camps,sporting events, streets and ceremonies after terroristsfundamentally undermines the chance for peace.

"For this report, PMW chose 100 examples of places and events named after 46 different terrorists in order to show the scope of the phenomenon. Twenty six of the examples have been reported in the Palestinian media in 2010."
The report documents that: "Terror glorification is highly visible in Palestinian society. A Palestinian child can walk to school along a street named after the terrorist Abu Jihad, who planned a bus hijacking that killed 37, spend the day learning in a school named after Hamas founder Ahmad Yassin, in the afternoon play football in a tournament named after suicide terrorist Abd Al-Baset Odeh who killed 31, and end his day at a youth center named after terrorist Abu Iyad, responsible for the killing of the 11 Olympic athletes in Munich. A young woman can join a university women's club named Sisters of Dalal, after Dalal Mughrabi, attend a week at Al-Quds University honoring suicide bomb builder Yahya Ayyash, and participate in university rallies named after numerous terrorists. Honoring terrorists envelops and plays a significant part in defining the Palestinian world."

Two types of incitement: Direct calls to kill vs. honoring terrorists who killed
The PA practice of honoring terrorists is a very dangerous form of incitement, because it praises
the killer and the act of killing after the actual murder has taken place. When an Imam on PA TV
calls to kill Jews, the murder is at that point a possibility. No one has yet been killed. Honoring a
suicide terrorist does not refer to a possibility, but glorifies an actual murder.

Läs hela rapporten här.

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