måndag 24 maj 2010

Irans ledning slår hårt mot sin egen befolkning

Den iranska studentaktivisten Bahareh Hedayat har dömts till nio och ett halvt års fängelse bl.a för att ha förolämpat landets ledare.
Bahareh Hedayat & Milad Asadi Receive Long Prison Sentences

Här kan man se Bahareh Hedayat framföra sitt budskap.

Iran Continues Use of Executions and Brutal Tactics to Silence Opposition
Freedom House condemns continued efforts by the Iranian government to silence its detractors, including the May 9 execution of five political prisoners and today’s slanderous comments, made by state-controlled newspaper, Raja News, against jailed human rights defender Shiva Nazar Ahari.

The political prisoners, executed in secret at Evin prison, had all been convicted of the crime of mohareb (rebellion against God). According to local human rights groups and media reports, the sudden and secretive nature of the executions was politically motivated to discourage renewed protests before the approaching one-year anniversary of the unrest that followed last June’s contested presidential elections. The case of one of the executed prisoners, Shirin Alam-Hooli, was still in the appeal process.

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