söndag 27 oktober 2013

FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter och Israel

Information om hur arbetet fungerar i FN:s mänskorättsråd får man i en artikel av Anne Bayefsky :
Europe, US pressuring Israel to endure discrimination at UN Human Rights Council 
Rådet skall den 29 oktober behandla Israel och hur de mänskliga rättigheterna respekteras i landet (UPR).Behandlingen borde ha skett redan i våras men eftersom Israel vägrade infinna sig sköts behandlingen upp.
Israel bojkottar rådet eftersom Israel särbehandlas i rådet. Israel ensamt behandlas under en speciell permanent punkt på dagordningen medan alla andra  192 stater behandlas tillsammans under en annan punkt.
Israel är den enda staten som  inte tillåts  vara med i någon av de fem regionala grupper som förbereder arbetet i rådet och Israel fördöms gång på gång i rådet där de muslimska staterna understödda av andra diktaturstater har stort inflytande.(ca 35% av alla resolutioner som kritiserar en speciell stat har riktats mot Israel.)
FN:s mänskorättsråd sköt upp behandlingen av Israel (29.01.2013)

Läs också: Israel and the United Nations

 What's wrong with U.N.'s human rights council

Här kan man läsa hur Saudi-Arabien prisades i rådet: 
 Saudi Human Rights Record Praised in UN Review  (UN Watch)
Turkey: "We commend Saudi Arabia for the significant rise of women in civil service”
Tunisia: "We commend Saudi Arabia for efforts to adapt its laws with international human rights conventions…"
Palestine: "We take notice of Saudi Arabia's efforts to protect and promote human rights..."
Somalia: "Saudi Arabia maintains a high priority for protection and promotion of human rights…"
Pakistan: Commended "laudable steps taken by Saudi Arabia to promote and protect the rights of children and women..."
Nicaragua: "We note Saudi Arabia's progress in rights of the child, trafficking of persons, and legislative change for women's rights..."
Mauritania, VP of the UNHRC (and a country that practices slavery): "We commend Saudi Arabia for always seeking to strengthen human rights…We commend Saudi Arabia in terms of the progress on guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms, socioeconomic progress, participation of women at all levels and participation in society. We hope to see greater prosperity and progress for Saudi Arabia."
Maldives: "We commend Saudi Arabia's improvement on the situation of women."
Libya: "Saudi Arabia continues to strengthen human rights and promote them and this deserves our appreciation..." 
Egypt: "We commend Saudi Arabia's progress to protect and promote human rights, and welcome work done to strengthen role of women..."
France: "We commend Saudi Arabia with its progress in the role of women in society..."
Denmark: "We commend #SaudiArabia's progress in the promotion of rights for women in recent years…"
Cuba: "We commend Saudi Arabia for the implementation of recommendations made in the first cycle. Many areas of positive results: education, health..."
China: "We appreciate efforts made to protect the rights of children and to have dialogues of religious tolerance..."
Cambodia: "We take note of progress in human employment, education, and social security..."
Afghanistan: "We commend Saudia Arabia as they continue to enhance the protection and promotion of human rights..."
Vietnam: "Commend Saudi Arabia's efforts in combating human trafficking and discrimination; these are encouraging..."
Venezuela: "Enrollment in primary education has reached 96.6%. We congratulate Saudi Arabia..."

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