tisdag 28 november 2017

Antisemitism i Ryssland

Det var fråga om ett judiskt ritualmord när den ryska tsaren mördades för hundra år sedan under den ryska revolutionen. Påståendet har förekommit tidigare i samband med konspirationsteorier angående tsarens död men nu har en rysk biskop och en ämbetsman vid justitieministeriet upprepat anklagelserna.

Russia’s largest Jewish group protested a local bishop’s claim, repeated by a justice ministry official, that the country’s last tsar was murdered by Jews for ritual purposes.

Marina Molodtsova, a senior investigator for a special ministerial committee on the 1917 slaying of Nicholas II of Russia, said on Monday during a conference in Moscow that her committee will conduct “a psycho-historical examination” to find out whether the execution of the royal family was a ritual murder, Ria Novosti reported.

At the same event, Father Tikhon Shevkunov, a Russian Orthodox Church bishop, said that, according to “the most rigorous approach to the version of ritual murder, a significant part of the church commission [on Nicholas II’s killing during the Russian revolution of 1917] has no doubt that this murder was ritual.”

The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, a Chabad-affiliated group with more than 100 affiliated communities across Russia, called the suggestions a “shocking expression of an antisemitic myth” in a statement Monday.

“We all think of this as absolutely unacceptable,” the federation’s spokesperson, Boruch Gorin, told Interfax, and “shocked first and foremost by the sheer absurdity of the allegations.”

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