tisdag 10 september 2019

Facebook har valt att stöda Fatahs terroristpropaganda

Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat hur Fatah använder Facebook till att sprida hatpropaganda mot judar och Israel. Fatah prisar och förhärligar terrorister som mördat judar och framställer dem som hjältar och förebilder.
Trots att PMW har tagit kontakt med Brian Fishman, som är  Director of Facebook’s Global Counterterrorism Policy Team, har inte sidan stoppats. Tvärtom! Facebook väljer att fortsättningsvis ge Fatah rätt att använda Facebook . Mord på judar är tydligen inget problem för Facebook.

Brian Fishman säger i sitt svar till PMW att Fatahs sida inte strider mot Facebooks regler men att "han förstår att den kan vara stötande och obehaglig för dig därför  vill vi  hjälpa dig att se mindre av sådant... du kan blockera Fatahs facebook sida direkt eller sluta att följa den".

It doesn't go against one of our specific Community Standards... We understand that it may still be offensive or distasteful to you, so we want to help you see less of things like it... You can block [Fatah's Facebook page] directly, or you may be able to unfriend or unfollow them.”

Blunda är alltså rådet från Facebook! Tyvärr är det en sådan värld vi lever i!

Stop the Fatah - Facebook Terror Promotion Partnership (PMW)

-Whereas in 2018 Facebook was an unwitting partner in Fatah’s terror promotion, in 2019 Facebook is a partner in Fatah's terror promotion by choice

-Facebook’s mission is to “build community and bring the world closer together,” not to build easy communication lines to promote terror. For Facebook to allow its platform to be used this way is incomprehensible and abhorrent.

-PMW again demands that Facebook immediately close down Fatah’s official page before more innocent lives are lost to murderers who are inspired and drawn to terror by Fatah’s Facebook page...

Fatah-Facebook Terror Promotion Partnership
January - June 2019
  • Fatah continues to promote terror on Facebook in 2019
  • Facebook has chosen to willingly be a central tool for Fatah’s terror promotion
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Fatah used Facebook to glorify 17-year-old suicide bomber Ayyat Al-Akhras as “magnificent”
Self-sacrificing fighter Ayyat Al-Akhras... blew herself up in a shopping center
of the Zionists” - “A Magnificent Martyrdom-seeker.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 28, 2019]
Fatah repeatedly posted photos of 19-year-old murderer Omar Abu Laila on Facebook
in the weeks after he murdered 2 Israelis on March 17, 2019
 “Omar, you have not died... we are following in your footsteps.”
[Official Fatah Facebook page, two weeks after the murders, March 30, 2019]
Executive Summary
Violence and terror are central to Fatah’s mission. Fatah uses Facebook to glorify terror attacks in which Israelis are murdered and to present the terrorist murderers as role models. Fatah also uses its Facebook page to inform Palestinians that one of the things that remain special about Fatah is its continued adherence to terror.

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