måndag 26 januari 2009

Berättelser från Gaza

Det är märkligt att läsa Mats Gezelius (HBL) beskrivning av situationen i Gaza.
Han säger bl.a. såhär: "Gazaborna ger inte Hamas skulden för att ha dragit på dem Israels vrede.
- Nej, det är Israel som är boven, säger vår chaufför."

Säkert finns det människor som säger så, men i utländska tidningar kan man läsa helt andra berättelser. Av nån orsak har Gezelius inte träffat människor med åsikter som de här under,publicerade i Spiegel online.Tydligen ger inte alla Gazaborna Israel skulden.

- "I've changed my mind about Hamas," Abu Abed says. "I can't support any party that wages a war that destroys our lives." He is particularly pained by the fact that Hamas is still selling the cease-fire as a victory.
"Who has won here?" he asks and points to the debris that was once his home.

- One of his neighbors weighs in: "Many people are now against Hamas but that won't change anything," he says. "Because anyone who stands up to them is killed."

- Mohammed Sadala's rage is aimed at the man, whose remains he found in his bedroom: a Hamas fighter. He and a comrade broke into the home which had long stood empty after the Sadala family fled. The Hamas men shot at the approaching Israelis from the balcony. The soldiers fired back, killing the militants and destroying the house of the 10-strong family in the process.

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