Rapporten från Breaking the Silence verkar publiceras i alla tidningar. Detta trots att det är fråga om en rapport som baserar sig på anonyma vittnen och uppgifterna inte kan kontrolleras på något sätt.
Österbottens Tidning hade idag rubriken
"Skjut först,fråga sedan, var Israels order i Gaza"
Den israeliska militären sköt människor på måfå...
HBL:s rubrik:
"Om du ser minsta lilla rörelse – skjut"
"Israeliska frontsoldater berättar i en rapport publicerad i dag för första gången om sina erfarenheter under vinterns krig i Gaza. De ger ingen vacker bild: omfattande förstörelse, vit fosfor, civila som mänskliga sköldar och en atmosfär där allt var tillåtet..."
Här finns länkar till olika kommentarer:
Reaction to "Breaking the Silence" human rights report (Israeliska UM)
"The IDF Spokesperson Unit regrets the fact that yet another human rights organization is presenting to Israel and the world a report based on anonymous and general testimonies, without investigating their details or credibility. Furthermore, this organization denied the IDF the minimal decency of presenting the report to the IDF and allowing it to investigate the testimonies prior to the report's publication. This was done while defaming and slandering the IDF and its commanders.
In order to ensure that the claims made in these testimonies are dealt with in an appropriate manner, the organization "Breaking the Silence" should urge those who made these claims to really 'break their silence,' and to present specific complaints to the IDF, and not hide behind general and anonymous statements..."
Europeans funding 'Breaking the Silence'
"A day after releasing a damning report on Operation Cast Lead, and amid accusations that it is operating without transparency, the group Breaking the Silence on Thursday presented The Jerusalem Post with its donor list for the year 2008, which included several European governments.
On Wednesday, Breaking the Silence released a report including testimonies from 26 unnamed soldiers..."
Breaking the silence on Breaking The Silence
"Breaking The Silence, a small group of former Israeli soldiers on Wednesday embarked on an international campaign to show the world what it says are testimonies from soldiers pointing to immoral Israeli actions committed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year..."
Breaking the Silence: More Rumor & Hearsay (Honest Reporting)
"The media rushes to promote another report based on unverifiable allegations from Gaza.
Will the media never learn?
In March 2009, Ha'aretz published a story alleging "war crimes" and serious ethical failures on the part of the IDF in Gaza. Predictably, many international media outlets repeated the allegations without bothering to do any rudimentary checks..."
En liknande rapport publicerades i Haaretz i mars men undersökningar visade att den baserade sig på rykten och hörsägen.
HBL:s påstående att det skulle vara första gången som soldater berättar som sina erfarenheter stämmer alltså inte.
Här finns en sida där soldater berättar om sina erfarenheter:
Soldiers Speak Out
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