onsdag 24 november 2010

Anti-israeliska Durbankonferensen skall firas i FN

FN:s generalförsamling har med klar majoritet röstat för att nästa höst fira 10-årsdagen av Durbankonferensen. Durbankonferenssen skulle bekämpa rasism men blev en rasistisk konferens där man riktade in sig på att fördöma Israel. Bl.a USA lämnade konferensen i protest.
Vid uppföljningskonferensen stal Irans president showen och nu har man alltså bestämt att händelserna skall firas.
121 stater röstade för förslaget, 19 emot och 35 stater avstod. Mot röstade bl.a. USA, Tyskland, Storbritannien, Australien, Canada, Sverige och Israel.
Finland som eftersträvar en plats i säkerhetsrådet avstod från att rösta, man måste väl akta sig för att stöta sig med någon. Svagt!
Mer information om vad Durbankonferensen handlar om kan man läsa här.

UN General Assembly votes to commemorate Durban conference

U.N. Pours Salt in America's Wounds
...Most heads of government avoided Durban I and the only one to attend Durban II was the poster-boy for racism and xenophobia himself, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. So for Durban III, the UN decided to ensnare most heads of state and government by scheduling the event to coincide with the annual opening of the UN General Assembly, when they are all present in New York anyway. The resolution sets the date as September 21, 2011 (“the second day of the General Debate”), and specifically designates it as a “High-Level” meeting “at the level of Heads of States and Governments.”
Contrary to some suggestions, the event will not be a quiet commemoration with minimal political design. Amendments made to the resolution late in the day decide that the meeting should “consist…of an opening plenary, consecutive round tables/thematic panels and a closing plenary meeting.” And then the meeting will adopt a final “political declaration.”
Lest anyone be delusional about which country is intended to be the first course at Durban III, the resolution pinpoints only one theme of the Declaration as the meeting’s focal point, namely, “Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerances: Recognition, Justice and Development.” The carefully crafted Durban Declaration lists Palestinians as “Victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.”
Of course, as history has demonstrated time and again, the meal never ends with the Jews. The Dutch representative valiantly spelled out to the General Assembly committee a bigger picture: “The fight against racism and discrimination is of such importance that we cannot support any effort to redirect our attention towards different agendas. Unfortunately, the Durban Declaration and…Review Conference did so…by elevating the protection of religion above the protection and promotion of human rights and by placing unnecessary restrictions on the freedom of expression…”
In addition, in the resolution the UN puts out a call for help from the world of rabble-rousers who masquerade as human rights enthusiasts. Despite being fully aware of the violent extremism characterizing the NGO Forum at Durban I, the resolution asks “civil society, including NGOs” “to organize and support” 10th anniversary initiatives “with high visibility.”
The Obama administration is clearly worried about the effects of Durban III on its policy of embracing the UN and its human rights apparatus. U.S. representative John Sammis spelled out their concerns, lamenting to the UN committee that the event “risks undermining the relationship we have worked hard to strengthen over the past few years between the United States and the UN.”...

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