måndag 23 maj 2011

Fängslade terrorister får lön av de palestinska myndigheterna

De palestinska myndigheterna betalar lön till terrorister som sitter i fängelse i Israel. Även israeliska araber som utfört terrorattacker får lön. Däremot blir vanliga biltjuvar utan lön.

PA to pay salaries to all terrorists in Israeli prisons
Financial aid from many donor countries goes directly to PA budget from which salaries are paid
A law published in the official Palestinian Authority Registry last month grants all Palestinians and Israeli Arabs imprisoned in Israel for terror crimes a monthly salary from the PA. The Arabic word the PA uses for this payment is "ratib," meaning "salary." Palestinian Media Watch has reported numerous times on Palestinian Authority glorification of terrorists serving time in Israeli prisons. Following the signing of this new law, the PA is now paying a salary to these prisoners.
The PA has defined by law which Palestinians would be considered "prisoners."
"Anyone imprisoned in the occupation's [Israel's] prisons as a result of his participation in the struggle against the occupation."

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