måndag 23 maj 2011

Obama förklarar Obama

Obama förklarar vad han egentligen menade med sitt uttalande om 1967 års gränser: Det betyder att parterna - Israel och palestinierna - skall förhandla fram en gräns som är annorlunda än den som existerade 1967.
Obama förtydligade också sin inställning till Hamas:Inget land kan förväntas förhandla med en terroristorganisation som förbundit sig till dess förintelse.

Obama emphasized that he does not expect Israel to withdraw to the boundaries that existed between Israel and Jordan in June 1967, before the Six-Day War. "[L]et me reaffirm what '1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps' means," Obama said. "By definition, it means that the parties themselves—Israelis and Palestinians—will negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967."

In addition, President Obama explicitly called Hamas a terrorist organization and said that Israel should not be expected to negotiate with it. "No country can be expected to negotiate with a terrorist organization sworn to its destruction," the president said. "We will continue to demand that Hamas accept the basic responsibilities of peace: recognizing Israel's right to exist, rejecting violence, and adhering to all existing agreements."

President Obama Praises Historic U.S.-Israel Relationship
Analysis: Obama’s interpretation of Obama

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