torsdag 22 september 2011

Reaktioner på Obamas tal inför generalförsamlingen

Foto: GPO

Foto: Jerusalem Post

President Obama är ansvarig för att fredsprocessen i Mellanöstern har misslyckats säger medlemmar i den palestinska delegationen i NewYork.

De är upprörda efter Obamas tal inför generalförsamlingen där han krävde att parterna måste förhandla fram en lösning på sina problem och inte försöka sig på några genvägar i FN.

Obamas tall fick Abbas att bli mycket arg och besviken uppgav en av hans medarbetare för Jerusalem Post.

De palestinska myndigheterna på västbanken kallade idag ut skolelever för att demonstrera för Abbas och mot Obama.

Detta trots att Obama klart och tydligt sade att han var för grundandet av en palestinsk stat, men tydligen får man inte kräva att palestinierna skall sätta sig vid förhandlingsbordet och komma överens om en lösning med Israel.

Israels premiärminister tackade däremot Obama för att han stöder en fredslösning som grundar sig på direkta förhandlingar mellan parterna. Något som Netanyahu länge har förespråkat.

"In response to Obama’s speech, the PA leadership instructed Palestinians in the West Bank to stage demonstrations on Thursday to denounce the US president and his policies.PA civil servants and school children were ordered to hold rallies and demonstrations “in solidarity with President Abbas and to condemn Obama’s bias in favor of Israel...

...US President Barack Obama will be held responsible for the failure of the Middle East peace process, members of the Palestinian Authority delegation to the UN General Assembly meeting in New York charged on Thursday.”

Statements by President Obama and PM Netanyahu before meeting at UN General Assembly

President Obama: As I just said in the speech that I gave before the UN General Assembly, the bonds between the United States and Israel are unbreakable, and the United States' commitment to Israel's security is unbreakable.
Indeed, I think it's fair to say that today our security cooperation is stronger than it has ever been. I’m looking forward to a good discussion with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the events not only here in the United Nations, but also of the developments that have been taking place in the region.
As I just indicated, peace cannot be imposed on the parties. It's going to have to be negotiated. One-sided declarations in the United Nations will achieve neither statehood nor self-determination for the Palestinians, but Israelis and Palestinians sitting down together and working through these very difficult issues that have kept the parties apart for decades now… the ultimate goal of all of us, which is two states, side by side, living in peace and security.
Recent events in the region remind us of how fragile peace can be and why the pursuit of Middle East peace is more urgent than ever. I think we need to pursue that peace, and know that the Prime Minister recognizes that America's commitment to Israel will never waiver and that our pursuit of a just and lasting peace is one that is, not only compatible, but we think puts Israel’s security at the forefront.
So, it is a great pleasure to have the Prime Minister here. I want to thank him for his efforts.

PM Netanyahu: I want to thank you, Mr. President, for standing with Israel and supporting peace through direct negotiations. We both agree this is the only way to achieve peace. We both agree that Palestinians and the Israelis should sit down together and negotiate an agreement of mutual recognition and security. I think this is the only way to get to a stable and durable peace. You’ve also made it clear that the Palestinians deserve a state, but it’s a state that has to make that peace with Israel, and therefore their attempt to shortcut this process, not negotiate peace - that attempt to get state membership in the United Nations will not succeed. I think the Palestinians want to achieve a state in the international community, but they’re not prepared yet to give peace to Israel in return.
And my hope is that there will be other leaders in the world, as part of the UN, who will meet your call, Mr. President, and oppose this effort to shortcut peace negotiations - in fact to avoid them - because I think that avoiding these negotiations is bad for Israel, bad for the Palestinians and bad for peace. I know that these leaders are under enormous pressure and I know that they are also in this house which has, from personal experience I can tell you, automatic majorities against Israel, but I think that standing your ground, taking this position of principle, which is also, I think, the right position to achieve peace - I think this is a badge of honor and I want to thank you for wearing that badge of honor, and also to express my hope that others will follow your example, Mr. President. So I want to thank you.

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