söndag 15 januari 2012

Mycket allvarlig rasism i palestinska myndigheternas TV

Mufti Muhammad Hussein, en av de viktigaste religiösa ledarna i de palestinska myndigheterna talade vid firandet av Fatahs 47-års dag senaste vecka. (Fatah är den "moderata presidenten" Abbas parti)

Mannens som introducerar mufti Hussein säger: "Vårt krig mot avkomlingarna till apor och svin (judarna) är ett religionskrig ett krig om tro."

Mufti Hussein säger bland annat: "Uppståndelsens timme kommer inte förrrän ni bekämpar judarna. Judarna kommer att gömma sig bakom stenar och träd. Stenarna och träden kommer att säga:"Åh, muslim, Allahs tjänare, det finns en jude bakom mig kom och döda honom. Utom gharqadträdet (som kommer att vara tyst). Därför är det inget att undra över att du ser gharqadträd runtomkring de (israeliska) bostättningarna och kolonierna."
(Samma citat finns inskrivet i stadgarna för Hamas)
Muftins tal kunde ses i palestinsk TV 9 januari 2012.

I fredagsbönen den 6 januari i palestinsk TV kunde man få höra följande: "Varje katastrof och allt ont i världen förorsakas av judarna".
 PA Sermon in the West Bank: "Every Evil and Catastrophe" in the Whole World "Is Caused by the Jews"

Youtube har blockerat videon men den har lagts upp på en ny server och kan ses här:

PA Mufti calls for the killing of Jews quoting Islamic Hadith from Palestinian Media Watch on Vimeo.

PA Mufti calls for genocide of Jews quoting Islamic Hadith  (Palestinian Media Watch)
 "...Last week, the principal Palestinian Authority religious leader, the Mufti Muhammad Hussein, presented the killing of Jews by Muslims as a religious Islamic goal. At an event celebrating the 47th anniversary of the founding of Fatah, he cited the Hadith (Islamic tradition attributed to Muhammad) saying that the Hour of Resurrection will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them:

"The Hour [of Resurrection] will not come until you fight the Jews.
The Jew will hide behind stones or trees.
Then the stones or trees will call:
'Oh Muslim, servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'"
Palestinian Media Watch reported regularly during the PA terror campaign (Intifada, 2000-2005) on the repeated use of this Hadith by PA clerics on official PA TV to motivate Palestinians to terror attacks, preaching that Muslims had an Islamic obligation to kill Jews. The fact that the Mufti quotes this now indicates that this may have remained part of the PA's religious establishment's teachings, even though it is less frequently promoted on PA TV.

The last time official PA TV broadcast a sermon during which this
Hadith calling to kill Jews was quoted was in 2010.

The years of PA promotion of killing Jews and PA religious leaders' citing this
Hadith to justify it, may have contributed to the high acceptance of it in PA society. A poll sponsored by the Israel Project last year found that 73% of Palestinians "believe" this Hadith. [July 2011, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner.]

The moderator who introduced the Mufti at the Fatah event last week reiterated another Islamic belief; that the Jews are the descendants of apes and pigs:

"Our war with the descendants of the apes and pigs (i.e., Jews)
is a war of religion and faith."

The Mufti did not distance himself from this hate statement that Islam is in a religious war with the Jews, but added to it that Islam's goal is to kill Jews..."

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