torsdag 22 mars 2012

Palestinierna fördömer och prisar mord på judiska barn

Mannen som mördade fyra personer vid den judiska skolan i Toulouse sköts till döds idag när de franska poliserna försökte arrestera honom. Mannen gjorde våldsamt motstånd och sköt vilt omkring sig.
Morden vid den judiska skolan  har naturligtvis väckt avsky och många politiker har fördömt dådet.

Till och med vår lokaltidning hade en notis om att palestiniernas premiärminister Fayyad hörde till dem som  fördömt morden. Det är naturligtvis bra att även palestiniernas ledare klart tar avstånd från terrordåd lik den i Toulouse. Men tyvärr klingar det falskt, för samtidigt hedrar representanter för de palestinska myndigheterna terrorister som dödat judiska barn i Israel.
Palestinian Media Watch  har plockat några exempel från de senaste veckorna hur palestinska ledare hedrat och lyft fram Dalal Mughrabi som 1978 var ledare för en terrorattack som dödade 12 barn och 25 vuxna israeler.

Terrorist Dalal Mughrabi -
killer of 12 children and 25 adults -
still celebrated as hero and role model by the PA and Fatah

by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

While the Palestinian Authority condemned the killing of the 3 Jewish children and one adult this week in France as a "terrorist crime," the PA continued its policy, as documented many times by Palestinian Media Watch, of presenting Palestinian terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, killer of 12 Israeli children and 25 adults, as a hero and role model.

Speaking about the killings of 4 Jews in Toulouse, France, PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad condemned the killings:
"This terrorist crime is condemned in the strongest terms by the Palestinian
people and our children... No Palestinian child can accept crimes against
innocent people." [Ma'an, Palestinian News Agency, March 21, 2012]

However, Palestinian Authority leaders, spokespeople and the official Fatah Facebook page have recently found it appropriate to honor terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who, with other terrorists, killed 37 innocent people:

"This is Dalal, my eternal love... Dalal is my mysterious young woman, my revolutionary Jihadi inspiration. I loved her but knew only her name, Dalal Mughrabi."
[Fatah official Facebook page, accessed March 22, 2012]

"The bride of the coast, Dalal Mughrabi, and other female fighters have roles of honor in the national struggle."
[Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Laila Ghannam, March 17, 2012]

"Dalal was a model of a fighting Palestinian woman... who fulfilled her obligation towards her land and homeland."
[PA Civil Defense Commissioner Abu Al-Sheikh, March 7, 2012]

"We have days of heroism that were recorded by women... Martyrs (Shahidas) like Dalal Mughrabi and others."
[Women's rights activist, Zaynab Al-Ghanimi, March 7, 2012]
To see Palestinian Media Watch's documentation of PA and Fatah glorification of Dalal Mughrabi as a hero and role model, click here.

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