tisdag 21 oktober 2008

Iran och mänskliga rättigheter

FN:s generalsekreterare har presenterat en rapport om de mänskliga rättigheterna i Iran.
Av någon anledning förbigås förföljelsen av kristna nästan helt. Uppmärksamheten riktas på kvinnornas dåliga situation och dödstraffet som även minderåriga kan dömas till. Pojkar tvingas ta straffrättsligt ansvar vid en ålder av 14 år 7 månader, flickor vid 8 år 9 månader.
Förföljelsen av anhängarna till Bahairörelsen nämns i nyhetsrapporten från FN:s nyhetscenter men kristna nämns inte alls.
I den 20 sidor långa rapporten nämns kristnas situation på en rad i artikel 59, medan Bahai behandlas i flera artiklar (55,56,57)

"59. In addition, the special procedures have raised a number of communications
concerning members of the Nematollahi Sufi Muslim community, the Kurdish
community, the Sunni community, the Baluchi community, the Azeri-Turk
community and the Christian community who have reportedly been subjected to
arbitrary arrests and torture, allegedly in connection with peaceful demonstrations
for their rights, such as the right to speak their own language and to hold religious

Nyhetsrapporter om kristnas situation i Iran:
Hanged for being a Christian in Iran
"Eighteen years ago, Rashin Soodmand's father was hanged in Iran for converting to Christianity. Now her brother is in a Mashad jail, and expects to be executed under new religious laws brought in this summer. Alasdair Palmer reports."

Iran: Parliament passes apostasy death bill -- UNHCR take note!
"That apostasy (leaving Islam) is an enormously risky even deadly business in any Muslim country is not news to any apostate or to any serious religious liberty observer. That the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) does not always share this view however is news to many.
On 10 September Compass Direct (CD) reported that two Iranian Christians have now officially been charged with "apostasy".Mahmood Matin Azad (52) and Arash Basirat (44) have been in prison since their arrest in Shiraz on 15 May "on suspicion of apostasy". The two men were later charged with "Propaganda Against the Islamic Republic of Iran".CD reports: "When their lawyer went to authorities to inquire about the case in early August, he was informed that the two men had been formally charged with apostasy."Sources who spoke to the two Christians' defence lawyer explained that a written order of the formal charge of apostasy was unusual and an indication of the severity and complexity of the case."With the apostasy bill debated in Parliament, some Iranian Christians fear that authorities are seeking to make an example of the two prisoners or give the prospective law a 'test run'"

Farligt att tro i Iran

FN:s generalsekreterares rapport:
Iran: Ban concerned by treatment of women, juvenile executions

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human
rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

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