torsdag 20 augusti 2009

Ingen judisk koppling till Klagomuren

En palestinsk universitetslektor skriver om historien och förnekar att judarna har någon historisk koppling till Klagomuren.Detta hände i en intervju i de palestinska myndigheternas TV-program 11 augusti.

Palstinian Media Watch
Following is the transcript of the interview:
Interviewer: "There are plots against this [Western] Wall that seek to harm the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and there is an attack on history, theft of culture, falsification of facts, erasure of the truth, and Judaization of the place . . .." Shamekh Alawneh: "The [Jews'] goal in giving the name 'Wailing Wall' to this [Western] Wall is political. . . The Jewish Zionists had no choice but to invent an excuse [about Jerusalem] to spread among the Zionists or the Jews in Europe, to connect to something concrete from the past about Jerusalem. They made false claims and called the 'Al-Burak Wall' the 'Wailing Wall.'" Interviewer: "Can we understand that this term [the 'Wailing Wall'] and this strange [Jewish] interest concerning this place are new, with no historical roots?" Alawneh: "Absolutely. It has no historical roots. This is political terminology to win the hearts and the support of the Zionists in Europe, so they would emigrate and come to Palestine. Nothing more!"
[PA TV (Fatah), Aug. 11, 2009]

Här kan man se fler exempel på samma historieförfalskning: Jerusalem’s Jewish history and the Temple denied

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