tisdag 6 april 2010

George Mitchell om byggande i Jerusalem

Här kan man se en intressant intervju med USA:s fredförhandlare George Mitchell. Intervjun gjordes för ett par månader sedan och då hade USA inget som helst problem med att Israel byggde bostäder i Jerusalem. Snabbt ändrar politikerna åsikt.
Se intervjun här: George Mitchell, U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East (vid 5 min. börjar GM tala om Jerusalem)
Såhär uttalade sig Mitchell om bosättningarna och Jerusalem: (från Commentary Magazine)
GEORGE MITCHELL: … So what we got was a moratorium, ten months, far less than what was requested, but more significant than any action taken by any previous government of Israel for the 40 years that settlement enterprise has existed. …
CHARLIE ROSE: And you and Secretary Clinton praised Prime Minister Netanyahu for agreeing to that.
ROSE: It does not include East Jerusalem. There’ve been announcement in the last 48 hours of new settlement construction in East Jerusalem where the Palestinians want to make their capital.
ROSE: And it’s in the midst of Palestinians.
MITCHELL: … But for the Israelis, what they’re building in is in part of Israel.
Now, the others don’t see it that way. So you have these widely divergent perspectives on the subject. Our view is let’s get into negotiations. Let’s deal with the issues and come up with the solution to all of them including Jerusalem which will be exceedingly difficult but, in my judgment, possible.
The Israelis are not going to stop settlements in, or construction in East Jerusalem. They don’t regard that as a settlement because they think it’s part of Israel. …
ROSE: So you’re going to let them go ahead even though no one recognizes the annexation?
MITCHELL: You say “Let them go ahead.” It’s what they regard as their country. They don’t say they’re letting us go ahead when we build in Manhattan.

1 kommentar:

Mats sa...

Mycket intressant!