Kuwait anses väl som ett moderat arabiskt land. MEMRI har översatt några uttalanden från en studentdemonstration som kan läsas här.
Här kan man se framtidens arabiska ledare (?) uttala sig.
Kuwait poet Ahmad Al-Kandari: "We call upon the Arab rulers to stop being naïve, to stop submitting [peace] initiatives, to stop tormenting the Palestinian people, to stop being so feeble and weak, and to support the mujahideen of Hamas, not [Mahmoud] Abbas, the traitor.
Kuwait MP Jama'an Al-Harbash: "Allah willing, a war will be waged between us and them – the war foretold by the Prophet Muhammad: 'Judgment Day will not come before you fight the Jews – with them on the west bank of the river, and you on the east bank – and the trees and the stones will say: Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him.' This war is drawing near, Allah willing."
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