Ari Rusila skriver om hur det under de senaste femton åren pumpats in 20 miljarder dollar till palestinierna utan att det har gett någon bestående effekt på samhällsutvecklingen.Stora summor har bara försvunnit. Dr. Ghania Malhis som är ordförande för The Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute höll ett föredrag om ämnet vid ett FN-seminarium i Wien den 25 mars.(UN Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People on 25 March 2010 in Vienna.)
Rusila baserar sig på Dr. Ghania Malhis undersökning International Assistance in Support of the Palestinian Economy: The Role of Regional Partners”.
Läs mera här:Palestine – Placebo effect for people and society with 20 bn bucks
"The core conclusions of Dr. Ghania Malhis were that, despite the considerable economic help from various institutions of the international community and NGOs – about 20 billion US Dollars over the last 15 years
“it has been almost impossible to trace any positive impact of these mobilized resources on the ground”
"Dr. Malhis summarizes the International assistance to the Palestinian people as follows:
The international assistance to the Palestinian people has an accelerated annual growth rate. The average annual contribution from 1994-2000 represented 500 million dollars and jumped to an average of 1 billion dollars a year from 2001-2005.
Although 2006 witnessed a slight decrease registering 716 million dollars, the numbers rapidly escalated to 1.5 billion dollars in 2007, 1.7 billion in 2008, 1.8 billion in 2009 and is expected to reach almost 2 billion dollars in 2010. "
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