Sedan Egyptens president Mubarak störtades i februari och "demokratiseringen" av Egypten vidtog har Hamas smugglat in tre gånger mera explosiva ämnen än man lyckades smuggla in under hela året 2010. Dessutom har luftvärnsmissiler och pansarmissiler smugglats in.
Detta på grund av att Egypten inte längre är intresserad av att försöka förhindra smugglingen eftersom man förväntar sig att Muslimska brödraskapet skall vinna valet i höst och Hamas är en del av Muslimska brödraskapet. (Armén vill hålla sig på god fot med vinnarna.)Dessutom verkar Egypten ha förlorat kontrollen över stora områden av Sinai till beduinstammar.
Hamas förfogar nu över 10.000 rakter och missiler av vilka en del är iranska Fajr-5 raketer som har en räckvidd som gör att de kan nå Tel-Aviv området. (Israels mest tätbefolkade område).Hamas nya vapen gör att nästa gång Israel och Hamas drabbar samman kommer civila i Israel att drabbas hårt.
Detta skriver Yaakov Katz i Jerusalem Post:
IDF doesn’t view rocket attacks as real escalation
Despite the continued rocket fire from the Gaza Strip, the IDF does not appear to be preparing for a large-scale operation, such as Operation Cast Lead in 2009.
The understanding in the defense establishment is that the approximately 20 rockets that landed in Israel since last week have been fired by radical Islamic groups affiliated with al-Qaida and global jihad, made up of former Hamas operatives...
...One of the main problems with Gaza today is that any future Israeli operation would likely have to be dramatically different than it was in 2009.Then, the main strategy was to separate the southern part of the Gaza Strip from the North, to cut off arms supplies to northern Gaza – the location of most of the rocket launchers – and to hit Hamas infrastructure hard from the air throughout the Strip.Today, Military Intelligence estimates Hamas and Islamic Jihad have obtained more than 10,000 rockets and missiles – including a large stockpile of Iranian Fajr-5 rockets that can reach Tel Aviv – close to what Hezbollah had on the eve of the Second Lebanon War in 2006. A year ago, the terror groups were believed to have just a few thousands rockets, but the revolution in Egypt has completely altered the balance of power between Israel and Gaza.Practically speaking, this buildup has major operational ramifications for the IDF and means Palestinian terror groups now store their rockets and launchers throughout the region. In order to effectively stop rocket fire into Beersheba, Ashdod, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv, the IDF will have to operate throughout the entire Strip.Israel is extremely concerned by the major increase in weapons and explosives smuggling into Gaza since Hosni Mubarak’s downfall in February. Already in April, The Jerusalem Post reported one of the first results of the revolution was the interim government’s decision to stop construction of a steel barrier that Egypt had been building along its border with Gaza in an effort to curb smuggling.
Israeli sources: Arab Spring let Palestinians ramp up Gaza arms smuggling
The revolutions in the Arab world, especially the Egyptian security forces' diminished control in the Sinai, have allowed the Palestinians to exponentially increase their weapons smuggling into the Gaza Strip, senior defense officials say.
In the past few months, Hamas has acquired improved high-trajectory rockets, ready-made explosive devices, anti-tank missiles and possibly anti-aircraft missiles, the sources told Haaretz.
1 kommentar:
Jag har ett par gånger under livet varit i lika trängda situationer som Israel nu är och jag har givit omedelbar vedergällning. Jag har också försökt tiga och lida Mästarens Väg till ära MEN MEN MEN...
Förrän de fyra evangeliernas "smeder" (hänv Sak)fått göra sitt bland det älskade folket av Juda så kan vi bara önska att de inte sväljer mera kränkningar av den makt som förmenar dem Landet som Herren gett dem och som alla vet som kollat din blogg. Herren gav dem det också enligt internationella överenskommelser och helt legalt. Ve dem som står emot detta. Fortsätt informera. P.s. du får avgöra själv om du tar mina inlägg.ds Ulrik Fagerholm
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