söndag 17 juli 2011

Judarnas rätt till sitt land

På European Coalition for Israels hemsida finns det gott om material som visar att judarna har laglig rätt att bosätta sig i hela området väster om Jordanfloden.
Där föklaras det också varför inte vapenstilleståndslinjen från 1949 skall kallas för 1967 års gräns och att det som allmänt kallas för de ockuperade områdena inte är ockuperade i egentlig mening utan "omtvistade områden" där judar enligt internationel lag har rätt att bosätta sig.
Läs mera på sidan San Remo resources
Genom att läsa ECI San Remo document - Summary får du en grundläggande kunskap om vilka judarnas lagliga rättigheter till området är.
Några plock ur texten:


The boundaries of the "Palestine" referred to in the claimants‟ submissions included territories west and east of the Jordan River. The submissions of the Jewish claimants specified that the ultimate purpose of the mandate would be the "creation of an autonomous commonwealth," provided "that nothing must be done that might prejudice the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities at present established in Palestine." The resulting Mandate for Palestine, approved by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922, was an international treaty and, as such, was legally binding...
...The policy to be given effect in the Mandate for Palestine was consistent with the Balfour Declaration in significantly recognizing the historic, cultural and religious ties of the Jewish people to the Holy Land and the fundamental principle that Palestine should be reconstituted as the national home of the Jewish people. It is particularly relevant to underline the inclusion in the terms of the Mandate (through Article 2) of the fundamental principle set out in the Preamble of this international agreement that "recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."
The primary objective of the Mandate was to provide a home for the Jewish people – including Jewish people dispersed worldwide – in their ancestral home, as they alone among the peoples of the world, had no other homeland. The Arab people, who already exercised sovereignty in a number of States, were guaranteed protection of their civil and religious rights under the Mandate as long as they wished to remain, even after the State of Israel was ultimately formed in 1948. Moreover, Trans-Jordan was meanwhile added as a territory under Arab sovereignty, carved out of the very mandated territory at issue, by the British, prior to the actual signing of the Mandate in 1922 (see below).
When the Council of the League of Nations approved the Mandate for Palestine in April 1922, it became binding on all 51 Members of the League. This act of the League enabled the ultimate realization of the long cherished dream of the restoration of the Jewish People to their ancient land and validated the existence of historical facts and events linking the Jewish People to Palestine. For the members of the Supreme Council, these historical facts were considered to be accepted and established. In the words of Neville Barbour, "In 1922, international sanction was given to the Balfour Declaration by the issue of the Palestine Mandate."
The rights granted to the Jewish People in the Mandate for Palestine were to be given effect in all of Palestine. It thus follows that the legal rights of the claimants to sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem similarly derive from the decisions of the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers in San Remo and from the terms of the Mandate for Palestine approved by the Council of the League of Nations...

...Thus, in a word, the primary foundations in international law for the claim based on "historic rights" or "historic title" of the Jewish People in respect of Palestine are the San Remo decisions of April 1920, the Mandate for Palestine of July 1922, approved by the Council of the League of Nations and bearing the signatures of that international treaty by the Principal Allied Powers in July 1922, and the Covenant of the League of Nations itself (Art. 22). The rights thereby granted to the Jewish People (with the exception of the provisions of Article 25 of the Mandate, relating to Trans-Jordan) were aimed at the establishment of a Jewish national home throughout Palestine. These rights have never been rescinded...

Take for example, the "Palestinian" identity. At the time of the San Remo decision and the resulting Mandate for Palestine, the territory then known as "Palestine" was designated for the reconstitution of a National Home for the Jewish People only, expressly for the "reconstitution" of their national home. While care was taken to protect the rights of Arab inhabitants, the Jews alone were a People without a country. Indeed, this was the very purpose of the Mandate for Palestine and its predecessor the Balfour Declaration. At the time of the Mandate, it would have been more accurate to refer to "Palestinian Jews" and "Palestinian Arabs" (along with various other non-Jewish inhabitants). But because of the creation of the State of Israel, the Palestinian Jews reclaimed their ancient name of "Israelis" while the non-Jews (mainly but not all Arabs) appropriated the name "Palestinians", with the foreseeable result that they are viewed as being the rightful inhabitants of the Land. In actual fact, the Land called "Palestine" covers territory that the Jews have called the "Holy Land" well before the name "Palestine" was first used by the Greeks and Romans. In a word, the territory known as "Palestine" has never
either since this name has been applied or before – been an Arab nation or been designated to be an Arab nation. But this nomenclature carries great psychological impact with the inference that it is the former Arab inhabitants of Palestine that are the true "Palestinians", that they belong in "Palestine" and that they have been displaced from territory that was their ancestral heritage, rather than that of the Jewish "Palestinians" who in actual fact had no other „home‟.

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