torsdag 25 augusti 2011

Palestinsk media om terrorattacken mot Israel

Senaste torsdag utfördes en terroristattack i södra Israel där 6 civilpersoner, en soldat och en säkerhetsofficer dödades. Varken palestiniernas president eller premiärminister har fördömt terrorattacken.
Palestinian Media Watch har följt med hur händelsen har rapporterats i palestinsk media och hur ledande politiker har uttalat sig.
Enligt PMW har terrorattacken beskrivits i positiva ordalag bl.a. som "en av de mest framgångsrika operationerna", offren beskrevs inte som civila utan som officerare och soldater.
Israels svar på attacken beskrivs med ordet "massaker" medan terrorattacken kallas "Eilat operationen" och terroristerna benämns "Martyrer".

Buss som attackerades av självmordsbombare nära Eilat. (Photo: Ariel Hermoni, Israel Defense Ministry)

The Palestinian Authority on the terror attacksin Southern Israel that killed 8 Israelis;and on the Israeli response
The heads of the Palestinian Authority, President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, have not condemned the series of terror attacks in Southern Israel along the Egyptian border last week.Last Thursday, several Palestinian terrorists armed with rifles and bombs carried out a series of coordinated terror attacks near Eilat killing 6 civilians, a soldier and a security officer, and wounding more than 30. The attacks included shooting at a bus, shooting at two cars, targeting a military patrol with explosives, and a suicide bomber blowing up a bus killing the bus driver and himself.During the attacks, the Israeli army fought the terrorists, killing seven of them. Israel later responded to the attacks by targeting the leaders of the organization behind the terror attack, the Popular Resistance Committees, killing 5 members of this terror organization and a child in an air strike on Gaza.Senior PA and Fatah figures, as well as the PA-controlled media, described the terror attack as a "quality operation" and "one of the most successful operations," and condemned Israel's killing of the terrorists who organized the attacks as a "massacre." Some claimed that Israel had played a part in organizing the attack, or that Israel was exploiting it in order to distract the public from internal Israeli crises. It was also stated that the Israelis killed in the attack were soldiers and officers, not civilians.The following is a compilation of the PA's responses to these events, organized thematically:Contents:
1. Positive description of the terror attacks: "quality operation", "one of the most successful operations"2. Israel initiated the attacks and the "massacre" in the Gaza Strip to solve the government's internal problems
3. The Israeli casualties in the series of attacks were not Israeli civilians but "officers and soldiers"4. Terminology:
The attack: "The Eilat operation" (- not a terror attack)The terrorists: "armed men"
Israel's response: "a massacre"
5. The cause of the series of terror attacks is the Israeli occupation and the "criminal Israeli policy"
6. The Palestinian casualties - including the terrorists who were killed - are referred to as Martyrs or as having died a Martyr's death

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