tisdag 12 september 2017

"Den som inte stöder palestiniernas åsikter är omoraliska idioter"

Enligt San Remo deklarationen och reglerna för Palestinamandatet har judarna rätt till och uppmanas att återupprätta sin stat på Palestinamandatets område, alltså området mellan Jordanfloden och Medelhavet. Enligt de här juridiskt bindande dokumenten ockuperar Israel inte någon annans territorium.
Men enligt Mahmoud Abbas rådgivare i religiösa frågor, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, är personer som uttalar sig i enlighet med dessa fakta omoraliska idioter inspirerade av Satan.

Abbas' advisor: US Ambassador "motivated by Satanic urge" when he called the Israeli "occupation" "alleged" (PMW)
Al-Habbash: "One of the representatives of the superpowers - who some people consider to be the most expert and knowledgeable people, the greatest supporters of justice, and the greatest democrats - one of them [US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman] spoke several days ago about the occupation, which is clear even to the biggest idiot, and all the more so to a wise man. Regarding the Israeli occupation of the land of Palestine - he [Friedman] said that it is an 'alleged occupation,' in other words: 'You claim there is an occupation? It isn't really an occupation.' What idiocy is this? What satanic urge motivates these people? These are people who have lost all morals, who watch the oppressed and support the oppressors and stand by their side."
[Friday sermon in presence of PA Chairman Abbas, 
Official PA TV, Sept. 8, 2017

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