torsdag 28 september 2017

Ibland kan man få höra sanningen

USA:s ambassadör i Israel David Friedman har gett en intervju för Walla. Han säger några ovanlig ord om de judiska bosättningarna i Judéen och Samarien.
...bosättningarna är en del av Israel
... reolution 242 förutsätter att Israel skall få en betydande del av västbanken
... det finns viktiga nationalistiska, historiska och religiösa orsaker till bosättningarna

"I think the settlements are part of Israel," he said. " I think that was always the expectation when resolution 242 was adopted in 1967... The idea was that Israel would be entitled to secure borders. The existing borders, the 1967 borders, were viewed by everybody as not secure, so Israel would retain a meaningful portion of the West Bank, and it would return that which it didn't need for peace and security. "
"So," he continued, "There was always supposed to be some notion of expansion into the West Bank, but not necessarily expansion into the entire West Bank. And I think that's exactly what, you know, Israel has done. I mean, they're only occupying 2% of the West Bank. There is important nationalistic, historical [and] religious significance to those settlements, and I think the settlers view themselves as Israelis and Israel views the settlers as Israelis."

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