fredag 29 september 2017

En palestinsk stat, ja - en kurdisk, nej

Man kan fråga sig varför världens stater är så övertygade om att palestinierna skall ha en egen stat, men samtidigt har de inget intresse av att kurderna får en egen stat.
Kurderna är ett folk med ett eget område de bor på men blev förbisedda när Mellanöstern delades upp efter första världskriget. Nu får de inte ens stöd av omvärlden när de vill rösta om självständighet.
Objektivt sett borde de ha större rätt och orsak att få sin egen stat än t.ex palestinierna. Men som sagt stödet från omvärlden saknas helt.

"... On Monday, Abdul Karim, a civil servant, went with his wife and daughter to Erbil’s historic citadel after voting in the historic independence referendum. He was affable and enthusiastic about the chance to vote for independence. But he had one question. “America calls for democracy, but what are you doing now?”

His question was addressed to Americans, but it is a sentiment many expressed in the region of 8 million. Where was the international support? Where were the international monitors and observers, the former US presidents and senators? How could European countries that accepted the Scottish referendum, not see Kurds as having the same rights as their neighbors? How could countries that stood with Kosovo in the 1990s, not see Kurdistan through similar eyes.

Many of the region’s residents are perplexed at how the world is not celebrating alongside them.

The questions people in the Kurdish region ask don’t have easy answers. Kurds are victims of history. 

First, they were victims of the colonial era, being divided between countries carved out of the Ottoman Empire without a say. Despite being victims of colonialism, they did not benefit from the decolonization and anti-imperialism of the 1960s. Instead when they sought to struggle for rights in the 1970s they describe being betrayed by the US. In the 1980s the same international community that went to war for Kuwait in 1991 ignored them as they were gassed by Saddam Hussein. ..."

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