torsdag 19 november 2009

Vill palestinierna ogiltigförklara resolution 242?

Vad ligger bakom de palestinska ledarnas påståenden att de ensidigt kommer att ge en självständighetsförklaring? Detta trots att de måste vara medveten om att det inte skulle lösa några problem.
Israels före detta ambassadör i USA, Zalman Shoval, ger två förklaringar.
En möjlighet är att palestinierna förbereder en ny våldsvåg, intifada.
Den andra möjligheten är att palestinierna på detta sätt vill ogiltigförklara FN resolution 242. Denna resolution ligger till grund för förhandlingarna mellan parterna. Enligt resolutionen har Israel rätt till trygga och försvarbara gränser och det är inte sagt att vapenstilleståndslinjen, (1967 års "gränser") den så kallade Gröna linjen, skall bli den framtida gränsen.
Om palestinierna skulle få FN att erkänna Palestina med 1967 års gränser skulle de därmed lyckas kringgå resolution 242.

A wheelless cart before a lame horse
"...Someone should have explained to Abbas that this plan would in effect annul all past agreements including those which had granted legitimacy to the Palestinian Authority as part of the Oslo agreement. Also, any unilateral act regarding borders and territory could immediately trigger parallel annexations in the territories on the part of the State of Israel. In essence, a unilateral declaration of statehood would be in violation of international law and might be deemed an act of aggression, giving Israel the right to act in response, militarily or otherwise.
SO WHY does the official Palestinian leadership still threaten to go ahead with an act which so obviously goes against its own interests? It could be to pave the way towards a new wave of violence, as Arafat had planned and acted upon after the failure of the Camp David conference. But there may also be another, more immediate reason, namely, to bring about the elimination of UN Security Council Resolution 242. This resolution, which is the only agreed basis for all the agreements and initiatives to bring about a settlement of the conflict between Israel and its neighbors, including the Palestinians (and of course, Syria), also determined that Israel was not required to withdraw from all the territories it holds as a result of repulsing Arab aggression in 1967, and that furthermore, future borders should be based on considerations of security. In other words, the dividing line between a future Palestinian state and Israel would not necessarily be commensurate with the former temporary armistice line called the "Green Line..."

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