tisdag 15 december 2009

Abbas: 1967 års gränser-annars inga förhandlingar

Presidenten för de Palestinska myndigheterna Mahmoud Abbas kräver nu att det internationella samfundet erkänner 1967 års gränser som Palestinas gränser annars kommer palestinierna inte att delta i några fredsförhandlingar.
Tidigare har Abbas krävt ett byggstopp för judiska bosättningar för att komma till förhandlingsbordet, men efter att Israels premiärminister gått med på ett tiomånaders byggstopp ställer Abbas nu nya krav.
Abbas nya krav var lätt att förutse efter att EU:s utrikesministrar genom sitt uttalande senaste vecka klargjorde att att EU inte kommer att godta något annat än 1967 års gränser om inte parterna kommer överens om det.

'Recognition of '67 border before talks' Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post
"...Abbas's latest demand - that the world recognize a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders as a precondition for resuming peace talks with Israel -, was seen by some Palestinians here as a sign of his new tough approach toward the Middle East conflict.
Until now, Abbas had conditioned his return to the negotiating table on a complete freeze of settlement construction.
"We want the world to recognize the 1967 borders as the point of reference for the peace negotiations," Abbas said. "And when they do so, they must also recognize East Jerusalem as territory that was occupied in 1967."
Abbas said that the Palestinians and Arabs would seek a resolution from the United Nations Security Council that determines the borders of
the Palestinian state within the territories occupied in 1967. .."

EU:s bidrag till fredsprocessen i Mellanöstern
"Enligt dokumentet kommer EU inte att godkänna några förändringar av 1967 års gränser, detta gäller också Jerusalem, om inte parterna kommer överens om detta. Skall man ta detta bokstavlig betyder det att om palestinierna inte kommer överens om annat så har de rätt till 1967 års gränser.Som jag skrev tidigare : Varför skulle palestinierna komma till förhandlingsbordet om de får mer genom att inte förhandla?"

Dethär erbjudandet fick Abbas av Israels tidigare PM Olmert och tackade nej! (The Australian)
"On the 16th of September, 2008, I presented him (Abbas) with a comprehensive plan. It was based on the following principles.
One, there would be a territorial solution to the conflict on the basis of the 1967 borders with minor modifications on both sides. Israel will claim part of the West Bank where there have been demographic changes over the last 40 years."
This approach by Olmert would have allowed Israel to keep the biggest Jewish settlement blocks which are mainly now suburbs of Jerusalem, but would certainly have entailed other settlers having to leave Palestinian territory and relocate to Israel.
In total, Olmert says, this would have involved Israel claiming about 6.4 per cent of Palestinian territory in the West Bank: "It might be a fraction more, it might be a fraction less, but in total it would be about 6.4 per cent. Israel would claim all the Jewish areas of Jerusalem. All the lands that before 1967 were buffer zones between the two populations would have been split in half. In return there would be a swap of land (to the Palestinians) from Israel as it existed before 1967.
"I showed Abu Mazen how this would work to maintain the contiguity of the Palestinian state. I also proposed a safe passage between the West Bank and Gaza. It would have been a tunnel fully controlled by the Palestinians but not under Palestinian sovereignty, otherwise it would have cut the state of Israel in two.
"No 2 was the issue of Jerusalem. This was a very sensitive, very painful, soul-searching process. While I firmly believed that historically, and emotionally, Jerusalem was always the capital of the Jewish people, I was ready that the city should be shared. Jewish neighbourhoods would be under Jewish sovereignty, Arab neighbourhoods would be under Palestinian sovereignty, so it could be the capital of a Palestinian state.
"Then there was the question of the holy basin within Jerusalem, the sites that are holy to Jews and Muslims, but not only to them, to Christians as well. I would never agree to an exclusive Muslim sovereignty over areas that are religiously important to Jews and Christians. So there would be an area of no sovereignty, which would be jointly administered by five nations, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinian state, Israel and the United States.
"Third was the issue of Palestinian refugees." This issue has often been a seeming deal-breaker. The Palestinians insist that all Palestinians who left Israel - at or near the time of its founding - and all their spouses and descendants, should be able to return to live in Israel proper. This could be more than a million people. Olmert, like other Israeli prime ministers, could never agree to this: "I think Abu Mazen understood there was no chance Israel would become the homeland of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian state was to be the homeland of the Palestinian people. So the question was how the claimed attachment of the Palestinian refugees to their original places could be recognised without bringing them in. I told him I would never agree to a right of return. Instead, we would agree on a humanitarian basis to accept a certain number every year for five years, on the basis that this would be the end of conflict and the end of claims. I said to him 1000 per year. I think the Americans were entirely with me.
"In addition, we talked about creating an international fund that would compensate Palestinians for their suffering. I was the first Israeli prime minister to speak of Palestinian suffering and to say that we are not indifferent to that suffering.
"And four, there were security issues." Olmert says he showed Abbas a map, which embodied all these plans. Abbas wanted to take the map away. Olmert agreed, so long as they both signed the map. It was, from Olmert's point of view, a final offer, not a basis for future negotiation. But Abbas could not commit. Instead, he said he would come with experts the next day.
"He (Abbas) promised me the next day his adviser would come. But the next day Saeb Erekat rang my adviser and said we forgot we are going to Amman today, let's make it next week. I never saw him again."
Olmert believes that, like Camp David a decade earlier, this was an enormous opportunity lost: "I said `this is the offer. Sign it and we can immediately get support from America, from Europe, from all over the world'. I told him (Abbas) he'd never get anything like this again from an Israeli leader for 50 years. I said to him, `do you want to keep floating forever - like an astronaut in space - or do you want a state?'
"To this day we should ask Abu Mazen to respond to this plan. If they (the Palestinians) say no, there's no point negotiating."

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