måndag 31 oktober 2011

Palestina medlemsstat i UNESCO (uppdaterad)

UNESCO röstade idag för att Palestina skall bli en ny medlemsstat.
Det betyder att USA drar sig ur finansieringen av UNESCO. USA står för över 20% av UNESCO:s budget.
Det betyder också att trots att det inte finns någon stat som heter Palestina finns Palestina som medlemsstat i UNESCO.
Här kan man se vem som röstade för och emot. Finland röstade för och fick senare kritk för det i riksdagen
av bl.a. Kristdemokraterna och Ben Zyskowicz från samlingspartiet som anklagade utrikesminister Tuomioja för att föra ett privat krig mot Israel.

General Conference admits Palestine as UNESCO Member State
UNESCO’s General Conference today voted to admit Palestine as a Member State of the Organization.

UNESCO votes to grant Palestinians full membership (JerusalemPost)
Washington is likely to cut funding to UNESCO over the vote."The action today will complicate our ability to support UNESCO," David T. Killion, US ambassador to UNESCO, told journalists after the vote."The US has been clear for the need of a two-state resolution, but the only path is through direct negotiations and there are no shortcuts, and initiatives like today are counterproductive."US ambassador to the UN Susan Rice called the vote "deeply damaging" to the UN cultural agency and "no substitute for direct negotiations."

Israel called the vote a "tragedy.""This resolution is a tragedy for UNESCO...UNESCO deals in science and not science fiction and nevertheless (UNESCO) adopted the science fiction reality," said Nimrod Barkan, Israel's ambassador to UNESCO.Israel has said the Palestinian bid would amount to politicization of the agency that would undermine its ability to carry out its mandate.

Abbas: "This vote is not directed against anyone, but represents support for freedom and justice," Abbas said in a statement to the official news agency WAFA."This vote is for the sake of peace and represents international consensus on support for the legitimate Palestinian national rights of our people, the foremost of which is the establishment of its independent state," he added.

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