Man kan ifrågasätta detta, det verkar som om det skulle vara en islamsk stat man eftersträvar, där den kristna minoriteten på ca 10 % tvingas leva under islam.
PMW rapporterar att sex personer arresterats och en dömts till ett månadslångt fängelsestraff för att de ätit på allmän plats under ramadan (muslimernas fastemånad).
Även icke muslimer måste alltså leva som muslimer på de palestinska områdena.
Ordföranden för de palestinska myndigheternas shariadomstolen, Sheikh Yusuf Ida'is, säger rent ut: "vi måste övervaka gatorna och strängt straffa var och en som äter offentligt under ramadan... våra gator är islamska..."
Palestine Basic Law
Palestine Ending the Occupation...
"On August 26, 2009, the government of Salam Fayyad, Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority issued a detailed plan to establish a de-facto Palestinian state within two years, outside the framework of the Roadmap and of the Oslo Interim Agreement...
...The document declares that Palestine will be an "Arab state" and refers to the Palestinian Constitution or PNA Basic Law, which implies that it would be a Muslim state based on Sharia Islamic law."
"The Jericho court yesterday sentenced a man to a month in prison who ate in
public during the blessed month of Ramadan."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
July 30, 2012]
"The police arrested five people who desecrated the holiness of the month of Ramadan by eating in public during daytime, in the city of Nablus."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida,
July 29, 2012]
PA TV interview with the Chairman of the PA Supreme Court for Shari'ah Law, Sheikh Yusuf Ida'is:
TV host: "If someone doesn't fast for some
reason [during Ramadan month] because he follows a different religion or has
health reasons, it's his right. However, he breaks the spirit of Ramadan by
eating or drinking in public or at work."
Ida'is: "We have to monitor the streets and severely punish anyone who [eats] in public during Ramadan, and this is the responsibility of the security forces. Our [Palestinian] streets are Islamic, praise Allah. Any person caught committing this sin in public during Ramadan has to be imprisoned until the end of Ramadan, as an example to others. I call upon others [non-Muslims] to be considerate of Muslims' feelings."
Ida'is: "We have to monitor the streets and severely punish anyone who [eats] in public during Ramadan, and this is the responsibility of the security forces. Our [Palestinian] streets are Islamic, praise Allah. Any person caught committing this sin in public during Ramadan has to be imprisoned until the end of Ramadan, as an example to others. I call upon others [non-Muslims] to be considerate of Muslims' feelings."
[PA TV (Fatah), July 22,
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