söndag 17 juli 2016

Netanyahus budskap till Abbas

Premiärminister Netanyahu har i ett videotal tagit upp de palestinska ledarnas uppvigling till våldshandlingar och uppmanat Mahmoud Abbas att sätta stopp för det. Det skulle vara ett första steg mot fred.
Netanyahu har också kommenterat att Abbas fördömt terrorattacken i Frankrike där en person körde över och dödade närmare hundra personer. Tyvärr är det så att liknande attacker utförda av palestinier  mot judar i Israel inte fördöms, tvärtom de palestinska ledarna uppmuntrar till sådana attacker och de som utför dem blir firade hjältar i det palestinska samhället och får ett livslångt stipendium av myndigheterna.

Netanyahu cites PMW findings in video message to Abbas

PM to Abbas: Stop paying terrorists, fire aides who incite violence (The Times of Israel)
“First, your adviser, Sultan Abu al-Einein, recently called to slit the throat of every Israeli. Three days later, a Palestinian terrorist turned these words into action when he slit the throat of a 13-year-old beautiful girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, as she slept. She was a little, innocent girl. She didn’t deserve this,” the prime minister said in a message apparently recorded in his office in Jerusalem...

“[Y]our party recently praised a terrorist on Facebook who murdered 24 civilians, innocent Israelis in cold blood,” Netanyahu said. “I ask that you to pick up the phone and instruct your party’s social media manager to stop praising mass murderers. Impressionable children read these posts. They should be taught harmony, not hate. Such words seriously harm the chances of peace...”

“[N]ext week the Palestinian Authority will dedicate a monument to Abu Sukar. Abu Sukar murdered 15 people by detonating a refrigerator filled with explosives on a busy Jerusalem street,” he said. “Rather than dedicate a statue to a mass-murderer, I ask that you consider honoring a champion of co-existence. This will help educate future generations to love peace over war, compassion over violence. It will also help convince Israelis that they have a true partner for peace...”

“[T]he PLO currently pays a monthly salary to anyone who murders Jews,” Netanyahu said. “This money provides direct incentive to commit terror. I ask that you stop paying murderers and instead use this money to fund co-existence education, teach tolerance not terror.”

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