onsdag 22 april 2020

Terrorattack i Abu Dis

Idag körde en palestinsk man över en gränspolis i Abu Dis. Efter att ha kört på polisen hoppade den palestinska mannen ur bilen och försökte knivhugga polisen. Polismannen skadades och terroristen sköts av andra poliser på platsen.

West Bank terror ramming and stabbing attack - watch dramatic video

Israeliska säkerhetstjänsten har arresterat en grupp Hamasaktivister som planerade terroristattacker i Jerusalemområdet, bl.a. ett fotbollsstadium var mål för attackerna.

Shin Bet arrests Hamas operatives planning terror attacks in Jerusalem

PA to Palestinians: Al-Aqsa is more precious than your children - in PA TV filler (PMW)
A filler between broadcasts on official PA TV reinforces the PA’s message to Palestinians that the Islamic holy places and the struggle for “Palestine” are worth the sacrifice of their children. For decades, the PA has promoted to parents and children alike the ideal of dying as “Martyrs” for the cause. In the new filler, the PA teaches Palestinians that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is “more precious than my children and more precious than my family”:
Palestinian Media Watch has shown that the brainwashing works. Constantly telling Palestinians that the Islamic holy places are in danger, are being defiled by Jews, and destroyed by Israel is what make Palestinian teenagers endanger themselves and carry out terror attacks.

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