söndag 14 oktober 2007

Palestinsk rapport om striderna mellan Fatah och Hamas

Palestine Center for Human Rights har publicerat en rapport om striderna mellan Fatah och Hamas mellan den 7 och 14 juni 2007.
Rapporten kan läsas i sin helhet på deras hemsida.
I rapporten kan man läsa att striderna var ovanligt grymma och båda parterna bröt mot internationella lagar.Under veckan dödades 161 palestinier, av dem 41 civila, 7 barn och 11 kvinnor.
Under striderna dödades medlemmar av de stridande trupperna som lagt ner sina vapen, ett antal personer som var intagna på sjukhus dödades, fångar torterades och bostadshus och sjukhus användes i striderna och därmed utsatte man civila för fara. Dessutom hindrades sjukvårdspesonal att komma till de områden där striderna pågick. I åtminstone ett fall dödades en motståndare genom att han knuffades ut från en hög byggnad, i det andra dokumenterade fallet är det oklart om mannen, som tillfångatagits, hoppade eller kastades ner från ett höghus. Parterna kidnappade sina motståndare för att senare döda dem.
I rapporten konstateras att de Palestinska Myndigheterna inte tillsatt någon undersökningskommission för att utreda brotten som begicks under striderna.

Rapportens avslutningsord på engelska:
1. The internal fighting between Fatah and Hamas movements has peaked with the latest round
of fighting, which has ended with Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip as its military wing, the
‘Izziddin al-Qassam Brigades, has seized control over security headquarters and sites.
2. This report has pointed out serious violations of the provisions of international law concerning
internal armed conflicts, including violations of the right to life and physical integrity perpetrated
by the two movements. These violations included extra-judicial and willful killings; disregard
for the lives of Palestinian civilians; abduction and torture of persons; attacks against civilian
facilities, including houses and apartment buildings; shooting at peaceful demonstrations;
attacks against hospitals and medical and civil defense crews; seizure, robbery and destruction
of public and private institutions.
3. These crimes were an extension to similar crimes committed by the two sides in all rounds of
fighting over 15 months. The two sides perpetrated grave breaches of the provisions of international
law concerning internal armed conflicts, including extra-judicial and willful killings
and shooting at combatants and civilians after capturing them.
4. The internal fighting over the past 15 months is an integral part of the state of lawlessness
and security chaos that have plagued the Occupied Palestinian Territory, taking the lives of
hundreds of Palestinians, as the Attorney-General and law enforcement bodies have failed to
take legal action against the perpetrators of such crimes.
5. The Palestinian National Authority has never established any inquiry commissions to investigate
rounds of fighting and take legal actions against those who committed crimes. PCHR has
always called for establishing inquiry commissions to investigate all crimes and take legal
actions against those who committed crimes, but these calls have not been taken into consideration
by the Palestinian National Authority.
6. Instead, truces have been concluded between Fatah and Hamas movements, under which
abductees from the two movements were released, while criminals and murderers have
remained free enjoying impunity and cover by their political leadership.
7. The failure to take legal action and against criminals has served as a major factor in the
outbreak of armed clashes, which often take the form of clan conflicts whose roots have been
armed clashes between the two movements.

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