I en artikel av Jonathan Spyer i Jerusalem Post kan man läsa om hur Hizzbollah rustar upp för nästa krig mot Israel. Den libanesiska armén ger sitt tysta stöd till Hizzbollah och FN trupperna som borde bevaka att att Hizzbollah inte får nya vapen vill inte konfrontera Hizzbolla utan håller sig på avstånd. Det betyder att Hizzbollah ostört bl.a. bygger upp nya vapenlager i civila områden. Vilket i sin tur kommer att leda till att Israel anklagas för att angripa civila mål när de i sinom tid förstör vapenlagren.
Det enda som verkar störa Hizzbollah i deras verksamhet är när det inträffar arbetsolyckor, som senate vecka när ett vapenlager exploderade.
Terrorism: The unfinished war
"The explosion in the south Lebanese village of Tayr Felseir offers the latest evidence of the way in which Hizbullah is rebuilding its infrastructure following the Second Lebanon War in 2006. In the pre-2006 period, Hizbullah maintained its military infrastructure in open countryside areas often declared off-limits to all but the movement's personnel. The rebuilt infrastructure, by contrast, has been constructed within the fabric of civilian life in south Lebanon. This process has taken place largely undisturbed by the Lebanese and UN military personnel conspicuously deployed throughout the south...
...UNIFIL REMAINS deployed mainly in unpopulated areas. It enters Shi'ite villages only with an escort of Lebanese army personnel. Its vehicle and air patrols, taking place along recognized patrol paths and in rural areas, have produced some tangible results in terms of discovering unused bunkers and old munitions. But the international force, which maintains no independent checkpoints, does its best to stay out of the way of Hizbullah and the civilian population..."
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