torsdag 22 oktober 2009

Palestinska flyktingars hopplösa situation

Judith Miller och David Samuels har skrivit en mycket välunderbyggd artikel om de palestinska flyktingarnas hopplösa situation i arabländerna. Flyktingstatusen går i arv och de arabiska länderna gör inget för att underlätta situationen för flyktingarna. Tvärtom, de har fråntagits de flesta av sin mänskliga rättigheter.
Läs artikeln i The Independent:
No way home: The tragedy of the Palestinian diaspora
You might think Palestinian refugees would be welcomed by their Arab neighbours, yet they are denied basic rights and citizenship
It is a cynical but time-honoured practice in Middle Eastern politics: the statesmen who decry the political and humanitarian crisis of the approximately 3.9 million Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and in Gaza ignore the plight of an estimated 4.6 million Palestinians who live in Arab countries.

One can only imagine the outrage that the world community would rightly visit upon Israel if Israeli Arabs were subject to the vile discriminatory laws applied to Palestinians living in Arab countries.

Outside of Iraq, whose Palestinian population fled en masse after the fall of Saddam, nowhere has the situation of the Palestinian refugees worsened so dramatically as in Lebanon. Since the early Sixties, Palestinians there have been barred from working in medicine, dentistry and the law. In 2001, the Lebanese parliament adopted an amendment to the country's property laws that prohibited the acquisition of real estate by "any person not a citizen of a recognised state" – meaning the estimated 250,000 to 400,000 Palestinians living in Lebanon. Palestinians who had acquired real estate prior to 2001 were barred from bequeathing property to their children.

Läs också: Problemlösning i Mellasnöstern ( Ilya Meyer )
"Mycket har skrivits om UNRWAs och UNHRCs ansvar för att flyktingproblemet i Mellanöstern har förevigats – till ingen som helst nytta, till ofantliga kostnader och utan minsta vilja eller utsikt till en lösning eller anständig framtid för de drabbade."

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