tisdag 23 april 2013

Abbas och Fatah fortsätter hedra terrorister som hjältar

Palestinian Media Watch rapporterar att de palestinska myndigheterna med Abbas i spetsen fortsätter att hedra personer som mördat judar.
Issa Abd Rabbo dödade två israeliska universitetsstuderanden 1984 och sitter av en livstidsdom i israeliskt fängelse. Rabbo sägs av Abbas sändebud höra till de bästa sönerna av det palestinska folket.

Abbas parti Fatah fortsätter på sin Facebooksida att hedra terrorister som mördat judar som hjältar. Detta utan att Facebook ingriper.

Abbas and other senior PA officials
honor prisoner Issa Abd Rabbo
who murdered two students hiking near Jerusalem

Abbas' representative to murderer's mother:

"The best of the Palestinian people's sons are in prison"

PA TV host to murderer's mother:

"Your son is a fighter and a hero,
and all prisoners are heroes"
 On the anniversary of their terror attacks, Fatah honored suicide bombers Andalib Takatka and Fadi Al-Amoudi as Martyrs and heroes.
Andalib Takatka killed 6 and wounded more than 80 when she blew herself up at the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem in 2002. 
Fadi Al-Amoudi killed 1 and wounded 3 when he detonated a bomb he was carrying at the Erez crossing at the Israeli-Egyptian border in 2004.
  Fatah's Facebook administrator called terrorist Al-Amoudi "a hero" and referred to both these murderous attacks as "Martyrdom-seeking operations" in which "Zionists" were killed.

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