Col. Richard Kemp, former commander of British
forces in Afghanistan, addresses UN debate on the Gaza Inquiry report.
Text of speech:
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
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tisdag 30 juni 2015
Nya terrorattacker
I måndags utfördes två terrorattacker mot israeler.
I den ena attacken besköts en bil på väg 60 norr om Ramallah, "ett helt magasin avfyrades mot oss" sade en av de överlevande.
I attacken skadades fyra personer, en av dem avled på tisdagen.
Ingen har tagit på sig ansvaret för attacken men man antar att det var en planerad attack som utfördes av en terroristcell.
Tidigare på dagen knivhöggs en kvinnlig militärpolis söder om Jerusalem och fick allvarliga skador i nacken. Det var en ung arabisk kvinna från Betlehem som utförde den attacken.
Den israeliske premiärministern kommenterade händelserna med att bland annat säga att:Faktumet att de palestinska myndigheterna inte har fördömt terrorattackerna borde störa inte bara oss utan hela det internationella samfundet.
Israels president Reuven Rivlin konstaterade vid ett möte med Italiens utrikesminister att Ramadan mer och mer fått karaktären av en månad fylld med terror.
I den ena attacken besköts en bil på väg 60 norr om Ramallah, "ett helt magasin avfyrades mot oss" sade en av de överlevande.
I attacken skadades fyra personer, en av dem avled på tisdagen.
Ingen har tagit på sig ansvaret för attacken men man antar att det var en planerad attack som utfördes av en terroristcell.
Tidigare på dagen knivhöggs en kvinnlig militärpolis söder om Jerusalem och fick allvarliga skador i nacken. Det var en ung arabisk kvinna från Betlehem som utförde den attacken.
Den israeliske premiärministern kommenterade händelserna med att bland annat säga att:Faktumet att de palestinska myndigheterna inte har fördömt terrorattackerna borde störa inte bara oss utan hela det internationella samfundet.
Israels president Reuven Rivlin konstaterade vid ett möte med Italiens utrikesminister att Ramadan mer och mer fått karaktären av en månad fylld med terror.
måndag 29 juni 2015
Gazaflotillan upplöstes
Tre av båtarna i Gaza flotillan har återvänt till sina hemhamnar och den svenska båten Marianne av Göteborg bogseras av israeliska marinen till hamnen i Ashdod, Israel.
Det var det. Några svenskar ordnade en gratis kryssning på Medelhavet för sig själva i bästa sommarväder.
Det var det. Några svenskar ordnade en gratis kryssning på Medelhavet för sig själva i bästa sommarväder.
"Naval vessels towed the Swedish boat Marianne av Göteborg into
Ashdod's port on Monday, where it was expected to arrive late Monday
night after commandos interdicted it without incident some 85 nautical
miles off the Gaza Strip Coast less than 24-hours earlier.
... three other vessels that set sail from Crete to accompany the boat and
document its journey turned back after the Marianne, with its 18
passengers, was stopped and boarded."
fredag 26 juni 2015
Ship to Gazas talesman gör sig löjlig
Talesmannen för Ship to Gaza, Dror Feiler från Sverige hotar med att dra de israeliska soldater som eventuellt bordar Gazaflotillan och hindrar den att komma fram till Gaza inför internationell domstol.
Kan han vara så dåligt informerad att han inte vet att en FN utredning konstaterat att Israels sjöblockad av Gaza är fullt laglig? Naturligtvis inte, men i provokationen mot Israel är alla medel tillåtna.
Kan han vara så dåligt informerad att han inte vet att en FN utredning konstaterat att Israels sjöblockad av Gaza är fullt laglig? Naturligtvis inte, men i provokationen mot Israel är alla medel tillåtna.
”I motsats till vad Dror Feiler och Staffan Granér skriver är Ship to
Gazas egentliga målsättning provokation. En provokation som Islamiska
Jihad nu använder i det intrikata spelet i regionen”, skriver Ulf
Vatikanen undertecknade avtal med den "palestinska staten"
En kyrka som säger sig bygga på Bibeln erkänner arabernas rätt till det land som Gud i Bibeln gett till judarna. Det är inte logiskt men det är Vatikanens politik och trots allt inte förvånande.
" Israel expressed “regret” at the Vatican's decision to recognize the
Palestinian Authority as a state and the signing of the accord, hinting
it could have implications for future cooperation between Israel and the
“This hasty step damages the prospects for advancing a peace agreement, and harms the international effort to convince the PA to return to direct negotiations with Israel,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The statement said that Israel also regrets “the one sided texts in the agreement which ignore the historic rights of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel and the places holy to Judaism in Jerusalem.”
“This hasty step damages the prospects for advancing a peace agreement, and harms the international effort to convince the PA to return to direct negotiations with Israel,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The statement said that Israel also regrets “the one sided texts in the agreement which ignore the historic rights of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel and the places holy to Judaism in Jerusalem.”
Palestiniernas verkliga strategi
Av Khaled Abu Toameh:Palestiniernas verkliga strategi
"...Kort innan den israeliske mannen sköts till döds på Västbanken avslöjade den palestinske chefsförhandlaren Saeb Erekat sin plan på att samla hela världen mot Israel så att landet ska tvingas kapitulera för Palestinska myndighetens krav, framförallt kravet på ett totalt tillbakadragande till de gränser som gällde fram till 1967.
Erekats plan kräver ett mycket nära samarbete med EU-länder och medlemmar i FNs Säkerhetsråd, för att öka pressen på Israel att gå med på de palestinska kraven. Det kräver också att man skaffar sig internationellt stöd för erkännandet av den palestinska staten och att bana väg för landets anslutning till olika internationella organisationer och konventioner.
I denna plan varnar Erekat för att godkänna någon av Säkerhetsrådets resolutioner som erkänner Israel som en judisk stat, eller erbjuda eftergifter för flyktingarnas "rätt att återvända". Han upprepar också Palestinska myndighetens avfärdande av tanken på markbyten mellan den framtida palestinska staten och Israel. Dessutom understryker Erekat sitt motstånd mot tankarna på en demilitariserad palestinsk stat eller på att ge upp någon del av Jerusalem..."
"...Kort innan den israeliske mannen sköts till döds på Västbanken avslöjade den palestinske chefsförhandlaren Saeb Erekat sin plan på att samla hela världen mot Israel så att landet ska tvingas kapitulera för Palestinska myndighetens krav, framförallt kravet på ett totalt tillbakadragande till de gränser som gällde fram till 1967.
Erekats plan kräver ett mycket nära samarbete med EU-länder och medlemmar i FNs Säkerhetsråd, för att öka pressen på Israel att gå med på de palestinska kraven. Det kräver också att man skaffar sig internationellt stöd för erkännandet av den palestinska staten och att bana väg för landets anslutning till olika internationella organisationer och konventioner.
I denna plan varnar Erekat för att godkänna någon av Säkerhetsrådets resolutioner som erkänner Israel som en judisk stat, eller erbjuda eftergifter för flyktingarnas "rätt att återvända". Han upprepar också Palestinska myndighetens avfärdande av tanken på markbyten mellan den framtida palestinska staten och Israel. Dessutom understryker Erekat sitt motstånd mot tankarna på en demilitariserad palestinsk stat eller på att ge upp någon del av Jerusalem..."
torsdag 25 juni 2015
Druser attackerade ambulans
Ett tiotal druser har arresterats efter att två ambulanser som transporterade skadade syrier till sjukhus i Israel attackerats. I den andra attacken dödades en person och en skadades allvarligt.
Druserna misstänkte att ambulanserna transporterade personer som hörde till grupperingar i kriget i Syrien som angripit druserna.
Det verkar ha förekommit omfattande falsk ryktesspridning om vilka Israel hjälper och behandlar på sjukhusen i Israel.
På grund av attacken har möten hållits mellan regeringen och drusiska ledare och alla har fördömt attackerna.
Druserna misstänkte att ambulanserna transporterade personer som hörde till grupperingar i kriget i Syrien som angripit druserna.
Det verkar ha förekommit omfattande falsk ryktesspridning om vilka Israel hjälper och behandlar på sjukhusen i Israel.
På grund av attacken har möten hållits mellan regeringen och drusiska ledare och alla har fördömt attackerna.
" Nine people from Druze villages in northern Israel were arrested by
police overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday on suspicion they were
involved in attacks on ambulances transporting wounded Syrians for
medical care in the Golan Heights Monday.
One Syrian was killed and another severely wounded in the second attack,
after the military ambulance was set upon by a mob of about 150 local
residents, angry over rumors that Israel was aiding jihadist rebels..."
" The brutes who lynched a wounded Syrian in cold blood near the northern
Israeli village of Majdal Shams on Monday night almost certainly shot
their Druze brothers across the border in the foot.
Not only did the perpetrators of the act severely tarnish the image of
the Druze community and weaken Jewish Israelis’ feeling of concern for
members of the persecuted minority in Syria, the lynchers also likely
offered Sunni extremists in the war-torn region an excuse to avenge the
killing of a man who was, at least according to the Druze and the Syrian
regime, a fellow Sunni fighter..."
måndag 22 juni 2015
Israel varnar för konsekvenserna av Gazaflotilla
Israel's Foreign Ministry director-general Dori Gold Monday sent a
letter to Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon warning of the potential
conflict that may arise from the incoming flotilla expected to attempt
to break the naval blockade of the Gaza Strip next week.
"This attempt to challenge Israel's naval blockade of Gaza holds the potential for dangerous consequences. The flotilla's sole purpose is to create provocations that pose security risks, and constitute a breach of international law," Gold wrote.
"This attempt to challenge Israel's naval blockade of Gaza holds the potential for dangerous consequences. The flotilla's sole purpose is to create provocations that pose security risks, and constitute a breach of international law," Gold wrote.
UNHRC:s Gazarapport
Efter varje krig Israel utkämpar tillsätter FN:s mänskorättsråd en utredning som i princip inte har någon annan uppgift än att anklaga Israel för krigsbrott.
Den senaste rapporten som behandlar kriget senaste sommar har nu publicerats.
Israel specialbehandlas av FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter och vid varje session har man en punkt på programmet där Israels behandlas och fördöms. Inget annat land behandlas på samma sätt.
Rapporten i sig är därför egentligen inte intressant. Det är ett beställningsarbete och levererar vad uppdragsgivarna förväntar sig.
Hamas välkomnade i dag i ett uttalande rapporten och det säger en hel del om dess saklighet.
De israeliska politikerna ger inte mycket för rapporten och Israel har inte heller samarbetat med undersökningsgruppen.
Här några citat:
Försvarsminister Moshe Ya'alon:
Describing the UN Human Rights Council as a "biased and hypocritical body," Ya'alon said its report is "distorted, and has one aim: To tarnish the face of the state of Israel, and add fuel to the fire of delegitimization against it."
"The State of Israel acted in accordance with international laws in Operation Protective Edge, and did all it could to prevent harm to civilians. Hamas and [the other] terror organizations are the ones who chose to place weapons and missile launchers in the heart of civilian areas, in mosques, hospitals, educational institutions, and other places, and in more than a few cases, IDF soldiers refrained from operating against these weapons caches out of concern of harming noncombatants," Ya'alon stated.
"The attempt to compare Israel to Hamas, or to present Israel as committing war crimes, is despicable. We will not tolerate the attempt to tarnish the soldiers and commanders of the IDF, who operate in a complex reality, but ensure that they safeguard moral values. In places that we felt that there was a need to carry out checks by commanding officers, or launch criminal investigation, we did not hesitate to do so, out of our own initiative, and we have tried those who broke the law," Ya'alon said.
Premiärminister Netanyahu:
"The report is biased. The commission that wrote it is under a committee that does everything but protect human rights," Netanyahu said at the opening of a Likud faction meeting.
"Israel defends itself according to international law and we are not the only ones to say so," he added. "That statement is backed by a report by senior generals from the US and Europe. One general said no other country [than Israel] makes such efforts to uphold the law."
Israels viceutrikesminister Hotovely:
The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself. From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.
"From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.
The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself through its obsessive and prejudicial preoccupation with Israel, whilst turning a blind eye to genuine violations of human rights around the world.
The State of Israel and the IDF scrupulously abide by the highest standards of international law. Israel’s robust legal system ensures strict oversight of military operations. The measures Israel took during the Gaza Conflict to protect the lives of Israeli and Palestinian civilians are without parallel among other military forces.
Israel is exceptionally proud of its principled conduct and will maintain its unswerving commitment to human rights and international law, irrespective of the well-orchestrated campaign to besmirch its name."
Utbildningsminister Naftali Bennett:
" ...the report "is born in sin and will be buried in shame."
Kulturminister Miri Regev said the only good decision the UN ever made was on November 29, 1947 - recognizing a Jewish State - and since then it forgot its purpose, to stop wars and help bring peace.
"I would expect from the UN to call on Hamas to lay down its weapons for the good of its own people, but, unfortunately, that did not happen," she stated. "Meanwhile, the UN chooses to ignore the massacre of the Syrian people and the Iranian nuclear threat." "The IDF is the most moral army in the world, and Israel will continue doing everything to protect its citizens, despite the UN's biased reports," Regev added.
Opositionsledaren Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) said that he does not need an international report or committee to tell him that the IDF is a moral army.
"For Hamas, killing innocent people is the main goal, and I can say from my experience in many cabinet meetings that the question of harming uninvolved and innocent people always comes up and it is a heavy consideration in Israel's decisions," he said.
Ordförande för Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman said that "Israel does not commit war crimes. The UNHRC and its committees are biased and made up o people who constantly commit crimes against humanity, rewrite history and distort reality in which there is a country fighting to protect its children who are attacked by rockets by a terrorist organization who shoots from concentrations of children."
Den senaste rapporten som behandlar kriget senaste sommar har nu publicerats.
Israel specialbehandlas av FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter och vid varje session har man en punkt på programmet där Israels behandlas och fördöms. Inget annat land behandlas på samma sätt.
Rapporten i sig är därför egentligen inte intressant. Det är ett beställningsarbete och levererar vad uppdragsgivarna förväntar sig.
Hamas välkomnade i dag i ett uttalande rapporten och det säger en hel del om dess saklighet.
De israeliska politikerna ger inte mycket för rapporten och Israel har inte heller samarbetat med undersökningsgruppen.
Här några citat:
Försvarsminister Moshe Ya'alon:
Describing the UN Human Rights Council as a "biased and hypocritical body," Ya'alon said its report is "distorted, and has one aim: To tarnish the face of the state of Israel, and add fuel to the fire of delegitimization against it."
"The State of Israel acted in accordance with international laws in Operation Protective Edge, and did all it could to prevent harm to civilians. Hamas and [the other] terror organizations are the ones who chose to place weapons and missile launchers in the heart of civilian areas, in mosques, hospitals, educational institutions, and other places, and in more than a few cases, IDF soldiers refrained from operating against these weapons caches out of concern of harming noncombatants," Ya'alon stated.
"The attempt to compare Israel to Hamas, or to present Israel as committing war crimes, is despicable. We will not tolerate the attempt to tarnish the soldiers and commanders of the IDF, who operate in a complex reality, but ensure that they safeguard moral values. In places that we felt that there was a need to carry out checks by commanding officers, or launch criminal investigation, we did not hesitate to do so, out of our own initiative, and we have tried those who broke the law," Ya'alon said.
Premiärminister Netanyahu:
"The report is biased. The commission that wrote it is under a committee that does everything but protect human rights," Netanyahu said at the opening of a Likud faction meeting.
"Israel defends itself according to international law and we are not the only ones to say so," he added. "That statement is backed by a report by senior generals from the US and Europe. One general said no other country [than Israel] makes such efforts to uphold the law."
Israels viceutrikesminister Hotovely:
The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself. From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.
"From the outset, the purpose of this report was to vilify the State of Israel and the IDF, with the ultimate aim of undermining Israel’s right to defend its citizens from attack.
The Human Rights Council is a body which has completely discredited itself through its obsessive and prejudicial preoccupation with Israel, whilst turning a blind eye to genuine violations of human rights around the world.
The State of Israel and the IDF scrupulously abide by the highest standards of international law. Israel’s robust legal system ensures strict oversight of military operations. The measures Israel took during the Gaza Conflict to protect the lives of Israeli and Palestinian civilians are without parallel among other military forces.
Israel is exceptionally proud of its principled conduct and will maintain its unswerving commitment to human rights and international law, irrespective of the well-orchestrated campaign to besmirch its name."
Utbildningsminister Naftali Bennett:
" ...the report "is born in sin and will be buried in shame."
Kulturminister Miri Regev said the only good decision the UN ever made was on November 29, 1947 - recognizing a Jewish State - and since then it forgot its purpose, to stop wars and help bring peace.
"I would expect from the UN to call on Hamas to lay down its weapons for the good of its own people, but, unfortunately, that did not happen," she stated. "Meanwhile, the UN chooses to ignore the massacre of the Syrian people and the Iranian nuclear threat." "The IDF is the most moral army in the world, and Israel will continue doing everything to protect its citizens, despite the UN's biased reports," Regev added.
Opositionsledaren Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) said that he does not need an international report or committee to tell him that the IDF is a moral army.
"For Hamas, killing innocent people is the main goal, and I can say from my experience in many cabinet meetings that the question of harming uninvolved and innocent people always comes up and it is a heavy consideration in Israel's decisions," he said.
Ordförande för Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman said that "Israel does not commit war crimes. The UNHRC and its committees are biased and made up o people who constantly commit crimes against humanity, rewrite history and distort reality in which there is a country fighting to protect its children who are attacked by rockets by a terrorist organization who shoots from concentrations of children."
Obama administration rejects further consideration of UN Gaza report (Jerusalem Post)
“We challenge the very mechanism which created it,” John Kirby, the
State Department spokesman, said Tuesday, a day after the report’s
“And so we’re not going to have a readout of this,” he said. “We’re not going to have a rebuttal to it. We’re certainly going to read it, as we read all UN reports. But we challenge the very foundation upon which this report was written, and we don’t believe that there’s a call or a need for any further Security Council work on this.”
The UN Human Rights Council, a body that Israel and the United States say is biased and targets Israel more than any other country, commissioned the report.
“And so we’re not going to have a readout of this,” he said. “We’re not going to have a rebuttal to it. We’re certainly going to read it, as we read all UN reports. But we challenge the very foundation upon which this report was written, and we don’t believe that there’s a call or a need for any further Security Council work on this.”
The UN Human Rights Council, a body that Israel and the United States say is biased and targets Israel more than any other country, commissioned the report.
söndag 21 juni 2015
Terrorattacker i och utanför Jerusalem
En israelisk man dödades i en terrorattack utanför Jerusalem i fredags. En annan man skadades. En palestinsk arab stannade bilen som de israeliska männen åkte i och sköt dem på nära håll.
En grupp som påstår sig tillhöra Hamas har tagit på sig ansvaret för attacken.
Också flera andra palestinska grupper har uttryckt sitt stöd för terrorattacken.
FN sändebudet Nickolay Mladenov har fördömt terrorattacken men samtidigt irriterat Israel genom att uppmana alla parter att visa återhållsamhet.
Israels FN ambassadör Ron Prosor säger att FN måste upphöra med sina "balanserade" uttalanden eftersom det är bara ena parten som är skyldig till det brutala mordet.
FN sändebudet Nickolay Mladenov har fördömt terrorattacken men samtidigt irriterat Israel genom att uppmana alla parter att visa återhållsamhet.
Israels FN ambassadör Ron Prosor säger att FN måste upphöra med sina "balanserade" uttalanden eftersom det är bara ena parten som är skyldig till det brutala mordet.
"But Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor said the UN response was inadequate.
“The UN as always issues a ‘balanced response’
and calls on both sides to show restraint,” he said. “The UN must cease
this objectionable practice, as only one of the sides bears
responsibility for the cruel murder.”
Prosor called the attack the most recent event in “a series of violent actions by Palestinians in the West Bank.
“Instead of advancing peace, Palestinian
leadership is encouraging incitement and destabilizing the region,” he
said. “The international community must demand that the Palestinians
stop the violence and avoid inflaming the situation.”
Söndag morgon skadades en polisman allvarligt i en annan terrorattack utanför Damaskusporten i Jerusalem. Polismannen knivhöggs i nacken.
fredag 19 juni 2015
Skall Israel hjälpa druserna i Syrien?
Skall Israel hjälpa druserna som råkat illa ute i striderna i Syrien och i så fall på vilket sätt? Detta är en ganska komplicerad fråga.
Några artiklar som behandlar ämnet:
Några artiklar som behandlar ämnet:
The Druse are in danger and Israel has an obligation to help them. On
June 10, Jabhat al-Nusra or the Nusra Front, a terrorist organization
affiliated with al-Qaida, killed at least 20 Druse in Qalb Loze, a
village in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province.
Tamir Hijawi, 41, the former paratroop officer on stage in Peki’in, in
the Upper Galilee, said the protests held on a daily basis by Israeli
Druse this week have been held to show their people in Syria they are
not alone, and footage of the demonstrations is being posted on
Facebook, YouTube and elsewhere.
Like others, he called on Israel to give the Syrian Druse weapons and to open the border to allow Israeli Druse to join the fight against jihadist rebels.
Hijawi said whatever happens, the Syrian Druse will never abandon their villages. “This is an existential war for them, they will die on their feet before they run,” he said.
Minutes before he spoke, hundreds of Druse men marched through the town waving the multi-colored flag of the sect, escorted by young men in flag-draped cars and ATVs, chanting “With blood and spirit we will liberate Sweida,” a reference to a majority Druse city in southwestern Syria. They spoke of their desire to fight in Syria no matter the odds, saying that a massacre of Druse is already under way.
Syria is home to some 700,000 members of the sect, mainly in Jebl Druse (the Druse Mountain) area in the southwest. Israeli Druse are watching Sweida as well as the village of Hader, on whose outskirts Nusra fighters are now mobilized.
Like others, he called on Israel to give the Syrian Druse weapons and to open the border to allow Israeli Druse to join the fight against jihadist rebels.
Hijawi said whatever happens, the Syrian Druse will never abandon their villages. “This is an existential war for them, they will die on their feet before they run,” he said.
Minutes before he spoke, hundreds of Druse men marched through the town waving the multi-colored flag of the sect, escorted by young men in flag-draped cars and ATVs, chanting “With blood and spirit we will liberate Sweida,” a reference to a majority Druse city in southwestern Syria. They spoke of their desire to fight in Syria no matter the odds, saying that a massacre of Druse is already under way.
Syria is home to some 700,000 members of the sect, mainly in Jebl Druse (the Druse Mountain) area in the southwest. Israeli Druse are watching Sweida as well as the village of Hader, on whose outskirts Nusra fighters are now mobilized.
Skrota FN!
Skrota FN eller ändra åtminstone namnet till "Förenta Nationerna mot Israel"!
Detta är en svart dag för FN sade Israels premiärminister efter att FN:s generalsekreterare kritiserat Israels behandling av barn i senaste sommars krig i Gaza.
Israel var det ena land som generalsekreteraren speciellt lyfte fram i sin kritik.
Israel placerades i en FN-rapport i samma klass som Centralafrikanska republiken, Nigeria, Irak, Syrien och Syd Sudan.
Bara för några dagar sedan konstaterade en grupp generaler m.fl. från väst att Israel följt internationell lag i kriget, men FN:s hyckleri har inga gränser.
Läs också:
Detta är en svart dag för FN sade Israels premiärminister efter att FN:s generalsekreterare kritiserat Israels behandling av barn i senaste sommars krig i Gaza.
Israel var det ena land som generalsekreteraren speciellt lyfte fram i sin kritik.
Israel placerades i en FN-rapport i samma klass som Centralafrikanska republiken, Nigeria, Irak, Syrien och Syd Sudan.
Bara för några dagar sedan konstaterade en grupp generaler m.fl. från väst att Israel följt internationell lag i kriget, men FN:s hyckleri har inga gränser.
Läs också:
"... The report includes 32 paragraphs on Israel, compared with eight on Iraq, 15 on Afghanistan, 18 on Syria and 11 on Darfur.
Zerrougui's report did not explicitly accuse Hamas of any crimes against children. Several Israeli officials said on condition of anonymity that Israel told Zerrougui's office how Hamas rockets severely damaged Israeli medical centers and schools - details that were not mentioned.
The officials also accused the human rights groups that helped draft the report of bias."
Zerrougui's report did not explicitly accuse Hamas of any crimes against children. Several Israeli officials said on condition of anonymity that Israel told Zerrougui's office how Hamas rockets severely damaged Israeli medical centers and schools - details that were not mentioned.
The officials also accused the human rights groups that helped draft the report of bias."
"...But Israel was the only county he singled out for additional criticism and he made no mention of Hamas.
Netanyahu said, “Instead of mentioning the facts, that Hamas turned Gaza children into hostages by firing [rockets] at Israel.
“It dug terror tunnels in the direction of kindergartens. [But] the UN has chosen to preach to Israel, which has chosen to abide by international standards,” Netanyahu said.
Earlier this week former generals from the US and Europe declared that Israel had abided by international law during the summer, Netanyahu said.
Far from adopting this view, the “UN has granted Hamas immunity even though there is incontestable proof that Hamas committed war crimes when it launched rockets from hospital, mosques and UN facilities,” Netanyahu said.
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely [Likud] added, that such a one sided approach was "very disturbing.”
Hotovely along with politicians from the center and the left of Israel’s political map, including Meretz, immediately took exception to Ban’s listing of Israel with the worst conflict zones.
“At a time when ongoing hostilities are raging throughout the Middle East at an enormous cost in terms of the lives of children and other civilians, this statement drew a comparison between Israel and states that are among the worst systematic violators of human rights," Hotovely said.
Yesh Atid Party head MK Yair Lapid said, “the words of the UN secretary-general are disconnected from reality.”
Ban didn't mention, not even once, that Hamas used Palestinian children as human shields so that it could launch rockets against Israeli children, Lapid said.
Even Meretz MK Ilan Gilon spoke out against Ban and charged that he had “lowered the moral foundation of any criticism the UN and its organization would level against Israel.”
He added that “what Israel has forgotten about human rights, other countries under scrutiny have yet to learn.”
Netanyahu said, “Instead of mentioning the facts, that Hamas turned Gaza children into hostages by firing [rockets] at Israel.
“It dug terror tunnels in the direction of kindergartens. [But] the UN has chosen to preach to Israel, which has chosen to abide by international standards,” Netanyahu said.
Earlier this week former generals from the US and Europe declared that Israel had abided by international law during the summer, Netanyahu said.
Far from adopting this view, the “UN has granted Hamas immunity even though there is incontestable proof that Hamas committed war crimes when it launched rockets from hospital, mosques and UN facilities,” Netanyahu said.
Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely [Likud] added, that such a one sided approach was "very disturbing.”
Hotovely along with politicians from the center and the left of Israel’s political map, including Meretz, immediately took exception to Ban’s listing of Israel with the worst conflict zones.
“At a time when ongoing hostilities are raging throughout the Middle East at an enormous cost in terms of the lives of children and other civilians, this statement drew a comparison between Israel and states that are among the worst systematic violators of human rights," Hotovely said.
Yesh Atid Party head MK Yair Lapid said, “the words of the UN secretary-general are disconnected from reality.”
Ban didn't mention, not even once, that Hamas used Palestinian children as human shields so that it could launch rockets against Israeli children, Lapid said.
Even Meretz MK Ilan Gilon spoke out against Ban and charged that he had “lowered the moral foundation of any criticism the UN and its organization would level against Israel.”
He added that “what Israel has forgotten about human rights, other countries under scrutiny have yet to learn.”
Protecting children in war zones is a moral imperative and legal obligation, Security Council told (UN)
tisdag 16 juni 2015
Bojkotta Israel? Ja! Sudan,Iran? Nej!
Ett exempel på hyckleriet i inställningen till Israel.
"WATCH: Israel boycotters in Ireland filmed agreeing to do business with human rights violators Sudan, North Korea and Iran"
Ship to Gaza hotar vapenvilan
Islamsk Jihad hotar med att de kommer att bryta vapenvilan som ingicks senaste höst om Israel ingriper mot de båtar som planerar segla till Gaza.Det är åtminstone en båt från Sverige på väg till Gaza.
Det enda som de kanske uppnår är att de får vapenvilan att bryta samman. Det visar ganska bra vad Ship to Gaza står för.
Det enda som de kanske uppnår är att de får vapenvilan att bryta samman. Det visar ganska bra vad Ship to Gaza står för.
Report: Islamic Jihad threatens to break Gaza 'cease-fire' if Israel stops new flotilla
" Att aktivisterna bakom Ship to Gaza bortser från terrorstämplade Hamas
förföljelse av den egna befolkningen är ett svek mot de människor om
vilka man säger sig måna, skriver Lars Adaktusson."
Key Preliminary Findings of the High Level International Military Group on the Gaza Conflict
En rapport om Gazakriget skrivet av sakkunniga.
"...We agree with the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, who following the Pentagon’s fact-finding mission to Israel, went on record last November as saying that in the 2014 Gaza conflict, “Israel went to extraordinary lengths to limit collateral damage and civilian casualties”.
Our overall findings are that during Operation Protective Edge last summer, in the air, on the ground and at sea, Israel not only met a reasonable international standard of observance of the laws of armed conflict, but in many cases significantly exceeded that standard. We saw clear evidence of this from the upper to the lower levels of command. A measure of the seriousness with which Israel took its moral duties and its responsibilities under the laws of armed conflict is that in some cases Israel’s scrupulous adherence to the laws of war cost Israeli soldiers’ and civilians’ lives.
Signed by the members of the High Level International Military Group that visited Israel 18th – 22nd May 2015,
Giulio Terzi – former Foreign Minister of Italy.
General Klaus Naumann – former Chief of Staff of the Bundeswehr and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
General Vincenzo Camporini – former Chief of the Defence Staff of Italy.
Admiral Jose Maria Teran – former Chief of the Joint Staff of Spain.
Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper – former US State Department Ambassador at Large for war crimes issues.
Mr Rafael Bardaji – former National Security Adviser for the Spanish government.
Lieutenant General David A Deptula – former Standing Joint Force Air Component Commander, United States Pacific Command.
Major General Jim Molan – former Chief of Operations, Headquarters Multi National Force, Iraq and Commander of the Australian Defence College.
Colonel Eduardo Ramirez – Member of Colombian Congress and former Chief of Security, Colombia.
Colonel Vincent Alcazar – former senior United States Air Force officer in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Colonel Richard Kemp – former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan.
31 May 2015
måndag 15 juni 2015
The 2014 Gaza Conflict: Factual and Legal Aspects - The Full Report
Israel har gjort en undersökning om senaste sommars krig mot Hamas i Gaza. Rapporten i sin helhet kan läsas här.
The 2014 Gaza Conflict: Factual and Legal Aspects - The Full Report
The 2014 Gaza Conflict was a peak in the ongoing armed conflict waged against Israel for over a decade by terrorist organisations operating from the Gaza Strip. This Report provides information so that others may reach an informed understanding of the reasons for the Conflict and the actions of the parties thereto.
On July 7, 2014, the Government of Israel ordered the Israel Defense Forces to launch an aerial operation against Hamas and other terrorist organisations in the Gaza Strip. This operation, termed “Operation Protective Edge”, was launched in response to increasing rocket and mortar fire on Israel from the Gaza Strip during June and early July 2014, and despite Israel's continued efforts at de-escalation.
On July 17, 2014, as a result of Hamas's continued rejection of ceasefire initiatives, ongoing rocket and mortar fire and the execution of attacks in Israeli territory by sea and through cross-border assault tunnels, the Government of Israel authorized the entry of ground forces into a limited area of the Gaza Strip. These ground forces were tasked with identifying and neutralizing the cross-border assault tunnels, which originated from the outskirts of the urban areas of the Gaza Strip. The ground forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip on August 5, after locating and neutralising 32 cross-border assault tunnels, and despite ongoing rocket and mortar attacks against Israel. The 2014 Gaza Conflict concluded on August 26, with an unconditional ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
The Full Report comprises official documents concerning factual and legal aspects of the 2014 Gaza Conflict. These documents provide information on the following topics:
The 2014 Gaza Conflict: Factual and Legal Aspects - The Full Report
The 2014 Gaza Conflict was a peak in the ongoing armed conflict waged against Israel for over a decade by terrorist organisations operating from the Gaza Strip. This Report provides information so that others may reach an informed understanding of the reasons for the Conflict and the actions of the parties thereto.
On July 7, 2014, the Government of Israel ordered the Israel Defense Forces to launch an aerial operation against Hamas and other terrorist organisations in the Gaza Strip. This operation, termed “Operation Protective Edge”, was launched in response to increasing rocket and mortar fire on Israel from the Gaza Strip during June and early July 2014, and despite Israel's continued efforts at de-escalation.
On July 17, 2014, as a result of Hamas's continued rejection of ceasefire initiatives, ongoing rocket and mortar fire and the execution of attacks in Israeli territory by sea and through cross-border assault tunnels, the Government of Israel authorized the entry of ground forces into a limited area of the Gaza Strip. These ground forces were tasked with identifying and neutralizing the cross-border assault tunnels, which originated from the outskirts of the urban areas of the Gaza Strip. The ground forces withdrew from the Gaza Strip on August 5, after locating and neutralising 32 cross-border assault tunnels, and despite ongoing rocket and mortar attacks against Israel. The 2014 Gaza Conflict concluded on August 26, with an unconditional ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
The Full Report comprises official documents concerning factual and legal aspects of the 2014 Gaza Conflict. These documents provide information on the following topics:
- background to the armed conflict that Hamas has waged against Israel for over a decade; the circumstances that led Israel to launch Operation Protective Edge;
- the effect of Hamas's attacks on Israel's civilian population and Israel's civil defense measures;
- the tactics of Hamas and other terrorist organizations during the conflict and their violations of international law;
- detailed factual and legal information concerning the actions of the IDF during the conflict, including the steps taken before and during the conflict to ensure Israel's compliance with the Law of Armed Conflict; and
- Israel's examination and investigation mechanism for dealing with alleged misconduct by IDF forces.
torsdag 11 juni 2015
För palestinierna är sanning propaganda och propaganda sanning
Mahmoud Abbas politiska rådgivare Nimr Hammad jämför Israels premiärminister Netanyahu med Nazitysklands propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels.
Varför? Jo därför att Netanyahu i ett tal igen inbjudit Abbas att återvända till förhandlingsbordet men samtidigt konstaterat att det inte verkar finnas något intresse från den palestinska sidan som i stället arbetar för att internationalisera konflikten.
Varför? Jo därför att Netanyahu i ett tal igen inbjudit Abbas att återvända till förhandlingsbordet men samtidigt konstaterat att det inte verkar finnas något intresse från den palestinska sidan som i stället arbetar för att internationalisera konflikten.
"... The adviser accused Netanyahu of using Goebbel's propaganda strategy in
order to persuade the international pubic that the PA is the source of
stagnation in Arab-Israeli peace negotiations.
"Netanyahu implemented propaganda and lying in the hopes that the international community will accept his claims," Hammad said in an interview with a Palestinian network.
His words were a reaction to Netanyahu's speech Tuesday at a conference at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center.
"Netanyahu implemented propaganda and lying in the hopes that the international community will accept his claims," Hammad said in an interview with a Palestinian network.
His words were a reaction to Netanyahu's speech Tuesday at a conference at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center.
... Netanyahu, after enumerating the dangers in the region, said there may
be an opening with the Palestinians because some of the Arab states
“might be in a position to influence the Palestinians to adopt a more
conciliatory and positive approach.”
From both the Israeli and Palestinian perspectives, he said, it makes sense to “try to negotiate a real deal of a demilitarized [Palestinian] state that recognizes the nation state of the Jewish people.”
Rather than doing that, he asserted, the PA prefers internationalizing the conflict. “I again call on [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas to again return to negotiations without preconditions,” he said, “but I also know he has very little reason to talk.”
Netanyahu asked what incentive Abbas has to return to talks.
“They refuse to negotiate, and then get international pressure, sanctions and boycotts on Israel for there not being negotiations,” he said. “And there are those who attempt to impose terms in the [UN] Security Council because there are no talks, and some pretend the dangers we face are not real dangers at all.”
From both the Israeli and Palestinian perspectives, he said, it makes sense to “try to negotiate a real deal of a demilitarized [Palestinian] state that recognizes the nation state of the Jewish people.”
Rather than doing that, he asserted, the PA prefers internationalizing the conflict. “I again call on [PA] President [Mahmoud] Abbas to again return to negotiations without preconditions,” he said, “but I also know he has very little reason to talk.”
Netanyahu asked what incentive Abbas has to return to talks.
“They refuse to negotiate, and then get international pressure, sanctions and boycotts on Israel for there not being negotiations,” he said. “And there are those who attempt to impose terms in the [UN] Security Council because there are no talks, and some pretend the dangers we face are not real dangers at all.”
onsdag 10 juni 2015
Jerusalem, Israels huvudstad
Högsta domstolen i USA har slagit fast att om en amerikansk medborgare är född i Jerusalem i Israel får det inte stå i hans pass att han är född i Israel.
Jerusalem Post skriver mer om denna galenskap i sin ledare:
However, the right thing for Obama to do, unlike all of his predecessors since 1949, is to make a bold move and recognize Jerusalem – at least those parts that are inside the 1949 Armistice Line – as part of Israel.
Ostensibly, the State Department’s position on Jerusalem – as presented to the US federal appeals court – is that the “reversal of US policy” could “provoke uproar throughout the Arab and Muslim world and seriously damage our relations.”
But kowtowing to extremists in the Arab and Muslim world only encourages more extremist behavior, because it proves that intimidation works.
Setting policy because of fear of violence also strengthens the Palestinian “Nakba” narrative that views Israel as the aggressor in the 1948 War of Independence. In reality, it was a radicalized Palestinian leadership – backed by bellicose Arab nations – that rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan: the original two states for two peoples. The Palestinians made the historic mistake of attempting to annihilate out the fledgling Jewish state at birth. Thankfully, they failed. But they refuse to face the consequences of their own acts of violence. By refusing to recognize Jerusalem as part of Israel, the US is essentially strengthening this distorted narrative.
Jerusalem Post skriver mer om denna galenskap i sin ledare:
Jerusalem, Israel
In its ruling Monday, the US Supreme Court struck down a disputed law passed by Congress in 2002 – just a few weeks before Menachem was born – that says a US citizen born in Jerusalem may request his or her birthplace to be listed as Israel.However, the right thing for Obama to do, unlike all of his predecessors since 1949, is to make a bold move and recognize Jerusalem – at least those parts that are inside the 1949 Armistice Line – as part of Israel.
Ostensibly, the State Department’s position on Jerusalem – as presented to the US federal appeals court – is that the “reversal of US policy” could “provoke uproar throughout the Arab and Muslim world and seriously damage our relations.”
But kowtowing to extremists in the Arab and Muslim world only encourages more extremist behavior, because it proves that intimidation works.
Setting policy because of fear of violence also strengthens the Palestinian “Nakba” narrative that views Israel as the aggressor in the 1948 War of Independence. In reality, it was a radicalized Palestinian leadership – backed by bellicose Arab nations – that rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan: the original two states for two peoples. The Palestinians made the historic mistake of attempting to annihilate out the fledgling Jewish state at birth. Thankfully, they failed. But they refuse to face the consequences of their own acts of violence. By refusing to recognize Jerusalem as part of Israel, the US is essentially strengthening this distorted narrative.
Om jiahd och kristnas rättigheter
Egyptian Cleric Mostafa Al-Adwy Explains Jihad, States: Christians Cannot Promote Their Religion in Muslim Countries (MEMRI)
"... Defensive Jihad takes place when an enemy invades a Muslim country....Offensive Jihad, on the other hand, occurs when we want to conquer some country. May Allah facilitate the Muslim conquest of all the infidel countries. In offensive Jihad, we raid a country. If we call upon them to convert to Islam and they refuse, we raid their country, in order to oust their leaders, and usher people in droves into Islam...."
Interviewer: Doesn't [a Christian] have the right to spread his religion?
Mostafa Al-Adwy: No, he doesn't. His [religion] is false to begin with. You are employing the rhetoric of international relations, while I am talking about abiding by the commands of our Lord.
Interviewer: But some may say that this is what it is like in a democracy, and that we should act accordingly.
Mostafa Al-Adwy: No.
Interviewer: You may spread your religion, while I spread mine.
Mostafa Al-Adwy: Who says that I am willing to be democratic? I am a Muslim, and you should talk to me in the language dictated by my religion.
Interviewer: If a non-Muslim country allows Muslims to spread Islam there, and it does not persecute Muslims who are involved in this...
Mostafa Al-Adwy: We thank it.
Interviewer: So shouldn't you allow them to spread their ideas in your country?
Mostafa Al-Adwy: Absolutely not. I have [divine] orders. I do not have an opinion of my own in this. Allah said: "Fight them so there will be no strife."
Raif Badawi och den saudiska "rättvisan"
En artikel av Denis MacEoin:
Raif Badawi och den saudiska "rättvisan"
Raif Badawi och den saudiska "rättvisan"
- "Det jag förbinder mig att göra är ... att avvisa varje förtryck i religionens namn ... ett mål som vi ska uppnå på ett fredligt och lagligt sätt." — Raif Badawi.
- Ett annat exempel på saudisk "rättvisa" kom när Badawis advokat, Walid Abu'l-Khayr fängslades. Han dömdes till 15 års fängelse, följt av ett 15 år långt reseförbud.
- Det som händer Badawi är också en perfekt påminnelse åt alla som hävdar att de blir "kränkta" av all "islamofobi", varför den kanske existerar, vem som bär skulden för det och att det är just sådant här beteende som rättfärdigar "islamofobin".
måndag 8 juni 2015
Mahmoud Abbas beviljade hedersmedalj till terrorist
Fatima Barnawi försökte spränga en biografsalong 1967. Nu har Mahmoud Abbas beviljat henne en hedersmedalj för hennes insats.
Det är väl ingen av de mäktiga politiska ledarna i västvärlden som reagerar och tycker det är något fel med det?
Men om Israel premiärminister i valkampanjen råkar säga att han tvivlar på att det kommer att bli något fredsavtal inom de närmaste åren anses han vara ett hinder för fredssträvandena.
Fortsatt blindhet.
Det är väl ingen av de mäktiga politiska ledarna i västvärlden som reagerar och tycker det är något fel med det?
Men om Israel premiärminister i valkampanjen råkar säga att han tvivlar på att det kommer att bli något fredsavtal inom de närmaste åren anses han vara ett hinder för fredssträvandena.
Fortsatt blindhet.
Abbas awards military award to terrorist who planted a bomb in a movie theater (PMW) | ||||||||
"Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, Tayeb Abd
Al-Rahim: "Decree for 2015. The President of the State of Palestine and
acting Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee; by the authority vested
in us, and for the public good; we decree the following:
Paragraph 1: Fighter Fatima Barnawi - the first female prisoner of the revolution of modern Palestine - is granted the Award of Military Star of Honor. Paragraph 2: In appreciation for her pioneering role in the struggle,her sacrifice for her homeland and her people, and its revolution, and her willingness to give from the beginning until now... Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine and acting Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee." Note: Fatima Barnawi placed a bomb in a movie theater in Jerusalem in 1967 in an attempt to blow it up. The bomb failed to explode. She was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released in 1977 after serving 10 years. |
Palestinska barn bär uniform och leksaksvapen på förskolavslutning
Följande videoklipp visar förskolans avslutningsfest i Anabta på västbanken.
Tydligen görs allt som är möjligt för att dessa barn inte skall växa upp till fredsälskande medborgare utan till krigare som hatar Israel och judarna.
Medan palestinierna hjärntvättar sina barn satsar omvärlden tid och energi på att bojkotta Israel och försöker tvinga dem till eftergifter för att skapa förutsättningar för fred. Hur blind får man vara?
At a kindergarten graduation ceremony held at Anabta, in the West Bank, pre-schoolers wearing uniforms and carrying toy guns performed a song routine. A picture of Arafat is visible on stage. The kindergarten belongs to the Anabta women's charity association. The performance was broadcast on June 1 on Al-Sheraa TV, a local TV channel in the Tulkarm area.
Following is an excerpt:
Kindergarten children, dressed in military fatigues performing a military drill, while holding toy guns
Song in the background: On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed. If you stretch your hand, it will be chopped off. If you just look with your eye, it will be gouged out. The defeated army will be too terrified to come back. We come for you before, and woe betide you if we come back again. You come to this land alive, but you will leave it as body parts. On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by land, by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed.
On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by land, by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed. If you stretch your hand, it will be chopped off. If you just look with your eye, it will be gouged out. The defeated army will be too terrified to come back. We come for you before, and woe betide you if we come back again. You come to this land alive, but you will leave it as body parts.
Tydligen görs allt som är möjligt för att dessa barn inte skall växa upp till fredsälskande medborgare utan till krigare som hatar Israel och judarna.
Medan palestinierna hjärntvättar sina barn satsar omvärlden tid och energi på att bojkotta Israel och försöker tvinga dem till eftergifter för att skapa förutsättningar för fred. Hur blind får man vara?
At a kindergarten graduation ceremony held at Anabta, in the West Bank, pre-schoolers wearing uniforms and carrying toy guns performed a song routine. A picture of Arafat is visible on stage. The kindergarten belongs to the Anabta women's charity association. The performance was broadcast on June 1 on Al-Sheraa TV, a local TV channel in the Tulkarm area.
Following is an excerpt:
Kindergarten children, dressed in military fatigues performing a military drill, while holding toy guns
Song in the background: On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed. If you stretch your hand, it will be chopped off. If you just look with your eye, it will be gouged out. The defeated army will be too terrified to come back. We come for you before, and woe betide you if we come back again. You come to this land alive, but you will leave it as body parts. On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by land, by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed.
On the mountains, behind the hills, within the valleys – you will be defeated, you will be defeated. Whether you come by land, by sea, or by air – you will be crushed, you will be crushed. If you stretch your hand, it will be chopped off. If you just look with your eye, it will be gouged out. The defeated army will be too terrified to come back. We come for you before, and woe betide you if we come back again. You come to this land alive, but you will leave it as body parts.
fredag 5 juni 2015
Två läsvärda artiklar
Lisa Abramowicz: Någon kritisk granskning av PA görs inte (Världen i dag)
"Den palestinske presidenten Mahmoud Abbas som innehaft
ämbetet sedan tio år utan nyval, ses som en fredens man i Sverige. Abbas
och hans myndighet – PA – behandlas med silkesvantar av svenska
regeringen och svenska medier. Endast Abbas fredliga uttalanden
rapporteras. Någon kritisk granskning av PA, dess medier, skolor och
politik görs inte. Denna välvilliga behandling står i klar motsats till
hur Israel behandlas. Varje uttalande och handling av Israel granskas
med en negativ lupp.
Ett annat exempel på bristande granskning är Abbas förkastande av det avtal med Israel som FN nyligen förhandlat fram. Avtalet gick ut på att palestinska flyktingar i Syrien – som befinner sig i en akut nödsituation – skulle få bosätta sig på Västbanken och Gaza. Motiveringen från Abbas var: "Det är bättre att de dör i Syrien än att de ger upp sin rätt att återvända". Underförstått – till Israel. Abbas menar att det är en palestinsk plikt att dö hellre än att återvända till de områden som PA styr över. För detta vore en vanära. Redan nu har flera tusen palestinier dött i Syrien."
Ett annat exempel på bristande granskning är Abbas förkastande av det avtal med Israel som FN nyligen förhandlat fram. Avtalet gick ut på att palestinska flyktingar i Syrien – som befinner sig i en akut nödsituation – skulle få bosätta sig på Västbanken och Gaza. Motiveringen från Abbas var: "Det är bättre att de dör i Syrien än att de ger upp sin rätt att återvända". Underförstått – till Israel. Abbas menar att det är en palestinsk plikt att dö hellre än att återvända till de områden som PA styr över. För detta vore en vanära. Redan nu har flera tusen palestinier dött i Syrien."
En annan medieskugga har fallit över terrororganisationen Hamas och dess uppfattningar, ageranden och inflytande i Gaza och generellt i den palestinska administrationen..."
torsdag 4 juni 2015
Två raketer från Gaza
Två raketer sköts mot Israel sent i går kväll. Raketalarmen ljöd i flera städer men ingen skadades i attacken.
En radikal islamistisk grupp, Omar Brigaden, tog på sig ansvaret för attacken. Som orsak till attacken uppgav man att det var en hämnd för att Hamas dödat en IS supporter.
Arabiska grupper som vill hämnas på varandra gör det alltså genom att angrip Israel! Ologiskt? Kanske inte eftersom Israel anser att Hamas är ansvarig för vad som händer i Gaza och som svar på attacken i sin tur angrep Hamasmål i Gaza. Inger verkar heller ha skadats i dessa attacker så svaret var närmast symboliskt.
En radikal islamistisk grupp, Omar Brigaden, tog på sig ansvaret för attacken. Som orsak till attacken uppgav man att det var en hämnd för att Hamas dödat en IS supporter.
Arabiska grupper som vill hämnas på varandra gör det alltså genom att angrip Israel! Ologiskt? Kanske inte eftersom Israel anser att Hamas är ansvarig för vad som händer i Gaza och som svar på attacken i sin tur angrep Hamasmål i Gaza. Inger verkar heller ha skadats i dessa attacker så svaret var närmast symboliskt.
Israel holds Hamas responsible for anything that happens in the Gaza
Strip, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said on Thursday after the Israeli
Air Force retaliated for rockets fired by Palestinians from the coastal enclave a day earlier.
onsdag 3 juni 2015
De palestinska myndigheternas TV och religiösa ledare sprider hat mot judar
I de palestinska myndigheternas TV-program för barn får de lära sig att judarna är onda.
PA teaches kids to despise Jews
Under lektioner i Al-Aqsa moskén får palestinierna lära sig att judarna kidnappar barn och använder deras blod i det osyrade brödet.
Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi undervisar varje vecka i Al-Aqsa moskén. Senaste vecka undervisade han bland annat om hur judar kidnappar barn, dödar dem och använder deras blod i det osyrade brödet under påsken.
Jews make matzah bread from blood,
PA teaches kids to despise Jews
Under lektioner i Al-Aqsa moskén får palestinierna lära sig att judarna kidnappar barn och använder deras blod i det osyrade brödet.
Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi undervisar varje vecka i Al-Aqsa moskén. Senaste vecka undervisade han bland annat om hur judar kidnappar barn, dödar dem och använder deras blod i det osyrade brödet under påsken.
Jews make matzah bread from blood,
"[Jews] prepare their matzah...
with the blood of children...
with the blood of children...
They were burned in Germany
because they kidnapped
young children" to make matzah
Uppdaterad:Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi fick Youtube att ta bort PMW:s videoklipp av hans undervisning men den kan ännu ses här:
Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Jews "prepare their... by palmediawatch
Uppdaterad:Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi fick Youtube att ta bort PMW:s videoklipp av hans undervisning men den kan ännu ses här:
Preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Jews "prepare their... by palmediawatch
Obama om Israel
USA:s president Obama har gett en intervju för israeliska Channel 2.
Obama är känd för att göra misstag och enligt min mening har han inte lärt sig någonting av sina tidigare misstag.
Nu säger han att världen inte tror att Israel på allvar vill ha en tvåstatslösning. Det är Israel som utpekas som den som bromsar fredsförhandlingarna. Av någon orsak är Obama blind för vad de palestinska ledarna står för. Genom att ställa krav på Israel men inte på palestinierna gör han palestinierna ännu ovilligare att förhandla, precis som han gjort genom sina tidigare uttalanden.
David Horivitz har skrivit en bra kommentar till intervjun.
Obama är känd för att göra misstag och enligt min mening har han inte lärt sig någonting av sina tidigare misstag.
Nu säger han att världen inte tror att Israel på allvar vill ha en tvåstatslösning. Det är Israel som utpekas som den som bromsar fredsförhandlingarna. Av någon orsak är Obama blind för vad de palestinska ledarna står för. Genom att ställa krav på Israel men inte på palestinierna gör han palestinierna ännu ovilligare att förhandla, precis som han gjort genom sina tidigare uttalanden.
David Horivitz har skrivit en bra kommentar till intervjun.
"...And you, Mr. President, so ready to fault us
for failures, ready even in your interview to cite American failures and
mistakes and lost values, have failed to insist on a similar
self-reflection, and morality, and assertion of humane values from the
Palestinians and their leadership.
Yes, we are mighty Israel, a military force to
be reckoned with, an economic powerhouse, and they are the poor
Palestinians, ostensibly only seeking statehood. But take a step back
and we are a tiny sliver of land, nine miles wide at our narrowest
point, on the western edge of a vast landmass filled with hundreds of
millions of people largely hostile to the very fact of our existence. If
our enemies were to lay down their weapons right now, Mr. President,
there would be peace. If we were to lay down our weapons, our country
would be destroyed. And therefore, Mr. President, we will need a great
deal more reassurance before we dare to hope.
You can still help with that. Really, you can.
Start by demanding an end to incitement against Israel in Palestinian
schools, in Palestinian media and by Palestinian spiritual leaders.
Incidentally, demand similar efforts on the Israeli side, by all means.
Tell Abbas that a governing partnership with Hamas is unacceptable. Tell
him to stop battering Israel in every international forum, denouncing
us for “genocide” at the UN, seeking our isolation and economic
devastation. Again, make demands of Israel too, by all means. Urge
Netanyahu to stop building at settlements in areas even he does not
envisage retaining under a permanent accord. Ensure we do ease movement
for Palestinians in the West Bank, when it’s safe to do so. Encourage
the prime minister in his recent minor shift toward a more positive take
on the Arab Peace Initiative as a basis for a regional peace effort.
Chivy, mediate, encourage. But don’t embolden
our enemies by publicly placing so disproportionate a level of blame on
us for the failure of your peace efforts. Don’t indicate that you might
reduce your support for us at the UN. Don’t further bolster the growing
Palestinian confidence that the international community will impose
Palestinian statehood upon us without the necessity to negotiate
modalities that ensure our long-term well-being. Press the Palestinians
toward compromise; don’t indulge and endorse their obduracy. Work toward
a Palestinian state truly at peace with Israel. Help give us more
reasons to do what you want us to do, what you believe it is in our
interests to do, which is to favor hope over fear.
“We can’t just be driven by this sense that
there’s only danger; there’s also possibility,” you said in your
interview. Well then, act to reduce our sense of danger, Mr. President,
and you will find us determined to advance every possibility for a
better future.
You want us to be the very best Israel that we can be? So do we, Mr. President. So do we.
You said you see your job as “to feed hope”
and “not just feed fear.” Well, I implore you Mr. President, don’t
settle for blaming us for giving in to our concerns and our fears. Help
reduce them. Help alleviate them. Give us the evidence upon which to rebuild our hope."
Israel kvar i FIFA
Palestiniernas försök att utesluta Israel från FIFA misslyckades.De fick inte tillräckligt stöd för sitt förslag och drog tillbaka förslaget, men säger att de återkommer nästa år.
Ordförande för det palestinska fotbollsförbundet har fått hård kritik på hemmafronten för att han drog tillbaka förslaget men försvarat sig med att det inte fanns tillräcklig med understöd för att driva igenom det.
“There was no way that the proposal would have been approved,” Rajoub said, adding that he was planning on presenting the same proposal to FIFA next year.
"Hamas lashed out at Palestinian soccer chief Jibril Rajoub over the weekend for abandoning the bid to expel Israel from FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football, calling it a squandered opportunity that went against mainstream Palestinian opinion...
Rajoub was also vilified as a “traitor,” a “loser” and an “Israeli collaborator” on Palestinian social media, with users calling on the soccer chief to be fired from his post, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, and various mocking political cartoons surfacing online..."
Ordförande för det palestinska fotbollsförbundet har fått hård kritik på hemmafronten för att han drog tillbaka förslaget men försvarat sig med att det inte fanns tillräcklig med understöd för att driva igenom det.
“There was no way that the proposal would have been approved,” Rajoub said, adding that he was planning on presenting the same proposal to FIFA next year.
"Hamas lashed out at Palestinian soccer chief Jibril Rajoub over the weekend for abandoning the bid to expel Israel from FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football, calling it a squandered opportunity that went against mainstream Palestinian opinion...
Rajoub was also vilified as a “traitor,” a “loser” and an “Israeli collaborator” on Palestinian social media, with users calling on the soccer chief to be fired from his post, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, and various mocking political cartoons surfacing online..."
" Israel faces an “international campaign to blacken its name” aimed at
delegitimizing its very existence regardless to its policies, Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday. The international community
disproportionally singles out the Jewish state for condemnation while
remaining silent on major conflicts and human rights abuses in other
countries, he said."
Läs också Paul Widéns artikel:
Läs också Paul Widéns artikel:
Två artiklar om Israels grannar
- Jordanien har ett fredsavtal med Israel och Palestinska myndigheten (PM) bedriver säkerhetskoordinering med israeliska försvaret, IDF. Detta är tillräckligt för att deras folk ska vända sig emot dem och anklaga dem för att "kollaborera" med den "sionistiska fienden".
- Kommer PM och Jordanien börja utbilda sina folk om tolerans och
fred med Israel? Sorgligt nog är det osannolikt, åtminstone i en nära
framtid. Den anti-israeliska retoriken har gjort det omöjligt att ens
tala om fredsmöjligheterna med Israel.
- Sedan årets början han egyptierna bara öppnat gränsövergången vid Rafah under fem dagar. Det internationella samfundet och medierna talar ofta om Israels ansvar för den pågående blockaden av Hamas-kontrollerade Gazaremsan, samtidigt som de struntar i att egyptierna har infört stränga reserestriktioner för de 1,7 miljoner palestinier som bor där.
- "Vi förstår Egyptens oro för säkerheten i Sinai, men det är hög tid att egyptierna öppnar gränsövergången permanent, särskilt om man tänker på de historiska relationerna mellan Egypten och Palestina. — Salah Abdel Ati, palestinsk människorättsaktivist.
- Det är en skam för egyptierna och andra Arabländer att medan de inför olika restriktioner för palestinierna, så hjälper Israel patienter från Gazaremsan att opereras i Jerusalem. Ironiskt nog övergår frustrationen och bitterheten i våld mot Israel, inte mot Egypten. Palestinierna är väl medvetna om att en attack mot Egypten skulle leda till en stark reaktion från den egyptiska militären.
- I stället för att peka finger och skylla på Israel är det hög tid för internationella medier och samfund att sätta press på Egypten och andra arabländer att hjälpa sina palestinska bröder, och sluta tortera och förödmjuka dem.
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