måndag 8 juni 2015

Mahmoud Abbas beviljade hedersmedalj till terrorist

Fatima Barnawi försökte spränga en biografsalong 1967. Nu har Mahmoud Abbas beviljat henne en hedersmedalj för hennes insats.
Det är väl ingen av de mäktiga politiska ledarna i västvärlden som reagerar och tycker det är något fel med det?
Men om Israel premiärminister i valkampanjen råkar säga att han tvivlar på att det kommer att bli något fredsavtal inom de närmaste åren anses han vara ett hinder för fredssträvandena.
Fortsatt blindhet.

Abbas awards military award to terrorist who planted a bomb in a movie theater (PMW)
"Secretary-General of the Presidential Office, Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim: "Decree for 2015. The President of the State of Palestine and acting Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee; by the authority vested in us, and for the public good; we decree the following:
Paragraph 1: Fighter Fatima Barnawi - the first female prisoner of the revolution of modern Palestine - is granted the Award of Military Star of Honor.
Paragraph 2: In appreciation for her pioneering role in the struggle,her sacrifice for her homeland and her people, and its revolution, and her willingness to give from the beginning until now...
Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine and acting Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee."

Note: Fatima Barnawi placed a bomb in a movie theater in Jerusalem in 1967 in an attempt to blow it up. The bomb failed to explode. She was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released in 1977 after serving 10 years.

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