Israels representant Omer Caspis anförande inför WHO mötet.
UN Watch:
Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) held its now ritual of naming Israel, with the only country specific agenda item.
Omer Caspi, Deputy Permanent representative of Israel: "Cynicism has no limitations. I mean the cynicism of all those who support this Decision and turn their eyes, ears and hearts away from real health emergencies and devote precious time and resources to politics."
Omer Caspis uttalande finns här.
Statement on behalf of the State of Israel
69th World Health Assembly
COMMITTEE B – Agenda Item 19 – 25 May 2016
Delivered by Mr. Omer Caspi, Deputy Permanent Representative
Mr. Chairperson,
This afternoon we shall yet again take part in the ritual of naming and shaming Israel.
Cynicism has no limitations.
I do not mean the cynicism of the sponsors of this Decision. Their cynicism comes
from envy at the state-of -the-art medical system in Israel, where the population
enjoys one of the world highest life expectancies. I mean the cynicism of all those
who support this Decision and turn their eyes, ears and hearts away from real health
emergencies and devote precious time and resources to politics.
So, since you want politics, I will give you politics. Let me start with Syria. The UN
Commission of Inquiry on Syria documents a series of attacks on hospitals and health
care institutions and labels them War Crimes. The UN Secretary- General said that
since the beginning of the war there were 360 attacks on medical facilities, killing
more than 730 medical personnel. WHO Director-General expressed her outrage at
the attack on Al-Quds Hospital in Aleppo, which killed one of the only remaining
pediatricians in the city.
Let me say a word on Yemen. WHO reported in March that 600 health centers have
closed and 50,000 children under the age of 5 died from preventable diseases in the
past year. 19 million people in Yemen lack access to clean water and 14 million are in
urgent need of health care. Need I go on?
Meanwhile, the life expectancy of Palestinians continued on an upward trend.
Under-five mortality rate was down. Infant mortality all together was down
significantly. These are by far better result than the Arab States group average and
comparable with the High Human Development group. Moreover, despite growing
Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israelis, close to 100,000 Palestinians from the West
Bank were treated in Israeli hospitals. Regarding the Golan Heights, all Golan
inhabitants, including the Druze population, enjoy the same health care as all
Israelis. Israeli hospitals have been treating close to 3,000 Syrian victims of the war.
There are no restrictions whatsoever on access to the Golan Heights.
Mr. Chairperson,
WHO is a professional organization and should leave politics to the political
institutions of the UN. It should deal with health emergencies. These lie elsewhere.
It is absurd that we should sit here year after year, listening to a political harangue
against my country as well as to my rebuttal. This theatre of the absurd must come
to an end.
Israel calls for a roll-call vote on the Decision and I urge you to vote against it.
Thank you.
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