onsdag 2 februari 2011


Situationen i Egypten har försämrats, nu förekommer sammandrabbningar mellan Mubaraks anhängare och demonstranter som vill ha hans avgång.
Egypt Health Ministry: 350 injured, 1 killed in clashes

Även journalister har angripits idag.
Aftonbladets team – gripet i Egypten
'Pro-Mubarak demonstrators are targeting the press'
Pro-government protesters and Egyptian military have attacked reporters from numerous media sources around the world during Wednesday's riots in Cairo's Tahrir Square.

Hamas i Gaza är orolig att protesterna också skall drabba dem.
Hamas worried upheaval in Arab world will spill into Gaza
Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip are concerned about the effects of the upheaval in the Arab world, as Facebook messages call on Gaza residents to demonstrate against Hamas rule on Friday.

Israels premiärminister:
'A democratic Egypt does not threaten peace'
Netanyahu expresses hopes that "efforts for democracy come true," tells Abbas to "see the changes in the region as a chance to negotiate."

Några exempel som visar varför Israel oroligt följer med händelserna i Egypten.
‘We know that Netanyahu cannot sleep now’
-Ahmed said he didn’t want Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel completely demolished, but for it to undergo a serious change.“It should be remodeled. With Mubarak leaving, we know that whoever comes next will remodel the agreement.”
- Ahmad Ragab, 42, spoke more vehemently towards Israel saying “look, all Egyptian people hate Israel, only Sadat wanted Camp David. We know that Israel will be mad about what is happening here, and we know that Netanyahu can’t sleep now. We know that with the change here, there won’t be peace with Israel. There won’t be a war, but I don’t think there will be an Israeli embassy in Egypt any more, we will have only the most minimal relations.”

Här kan du läsa mer om undersökningsresultaten:
Most Embrace a Role for Islam in Politics
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah

Surprise, Suprise: Mubarak is a dictator

Lite bakgrundsfakta och spekulationer om framtiden:
Lion's Den: Revolutions or coup d'etats?
Heavy-handed rule will lighten somewhat in Egypt and elsewhere, but the militaries will remain the ultimate power brokers.

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