Nabil Sha’ath representant för de palestinska myndigheterna upprepar att palestinierna vägrar förhandla med Israel, istället uppmanar han till kamp mot den "israeliska ockupationen".
Sha'ath: Negotiations with Israel are self-deception
Trots detta säger PA:s utrikesminister Riyad al-Malki att palestinierna är redo för självständighet i höst.
En intervju med Riyad al-Malki kan läsas här:
‘Are we ready for statehood in September? Absolutely’
- En intressant detalj i den palestinska demokratin, enligt intervjun, är att det inte är de folkvalda som representerar palestinierna utan PLO.
"Hamas doesn’t want to recognize the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people"
- Hamas styrs av Iran
"The second problem that Hamas faces is that Hamas has sold its spirit and its independence to other countries. Hamas is not free to decide on its own about its decisions.I think other countries decide for Hamas. This is really a problem.I’m referring to Iran in particular.Amazing, but this is really the problem, that Hamas allowed such countries like Iran and others to intervene and influence internal Palestinian affairs and decisions."
- Gaza är ett laglöst territorium som kan komma att kontrolleras av extrema element utifrån
"Gaza is becoming a radical spot in our region. We are worried about that. We are worried about radical elements coming into Gaza, because Gaza is a lawless kind of territory...
One day such extremist elements might take over Gaza, and then what will happen?
- Gaza kommer att göra uppror mot Hamas
"We should continue believing that one day very soon Gaza will revolt against Hamas, who controls it by force. "
- Naturligtvis är det Israels fel att inga fredsföhandlingar förs
"Of course, what happened is that politicians sometimes undermine such consensus or majority by taking actions that make the people really realize that “oh my goodness, where are our leaders taking us?” Especially in Israel, they allow the elitists to lead. And the elitists right now in Israel are leading us no where, unfortunately. "
Faktumet att det är, och har varit palestinierna som vägrar komma till förhandlingsbordet spelar tydligen ingen roll.
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