måndag 7 november 2011

Kärnvapenhotet från Iran

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) väntas inom ett par dagar komma med en rapport om Iran som bekräftar att landet håller på att utveckla kärnvapen.
Irans president har vid upprepade tillfällen sagt att målet är att utplåna Israel. Iran visar att de menar allvar genom att stöda Hizbollah, Hamas och Islamsk Jihad som alla arbetar för samma mål.
Två artiklar som behandlar hotet från Iran.

Temperatures Rise Ahead Of Latest UN Report On Iran Nuclear Program

No one knows yet what is in the UN nuclear agency's latest report on Iran's nuclear program, set to be released next week. But press leaks suggest the report could be a bombshell.

The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) in Vienna is expected to spell out in detail how Iran may have worked on designing an atomic warhead in recent years...

Insight: Has Iran ended Israel's Begin Doctrine?

JERUSALEM - Menachem Begin did not pull his punches. In 1981, as work neared completion on an Iraqi nuclear reactor that Israel believed would produce plutonium for warheads, the Israeli prime minister dispatched eight F-16 bombers to destroy the plant. Begin later said that the raid was proof his country would "under no circumstances allow the enemy to develop weapons of mass-destruction against our people".
The event defined a strategy that became known as the "Begin Doctrine" and is best summed up by the phrase "the best defense is forceful preemption."
Israel's message is now more guarded. In a civil defense drill of unprecedented scale last June, sirens summoned schoolchildren to shelters, radars searched the skies for computer-simulated missile salvos, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's cabinet descended into the Jerusalem foothills to inaugurate a nuclear bunker with a mock war-session...

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