torsdag 3 november 2011

"Statsledaren " som berömmer brottslingar

Ännu ett exempel på vad "staten" som Finland röstade för att skulle upptas som medlem i UNESCO står för.
Enligt president Abbas representant är
- kidnappning berömvärt
- likaså att hålla offret för kidnappningen isolerad från omgivningen i 5 år

De palestinska myndigheterna har också lovat belöna varje fånge (flera dömda för mord) som frigavs ur israeliska fängelser med 5000 dollar. Och varifrån kommer pengarna? De palestinska myndigheterna lever långt på bidrag från USA och Europa så kanske vi alla bidrar till belöningen.

Jibril Rajoub representing PA Chairman Abbas: We salute those who captured Shalit
Ceremony honoring released prisoners after Israel freed 1,027 prisoners for 1 Israeli soldier: Ceremony moderator: "We shall now hear the address by the representative of the President [Abbas], to be delivered by Jibril Rajoub, member of the [Fatah] Central Committee." Jibril Rajoub, representing President Abbas: "I say in the name of the Fatah movement -- we salute those who dug the tunnel [to capture the Israeli soldier]; we salute those who captured the captive (Gilad Shalit), and salute those who guarded the captive until this deal was completed [Applause] ... I salute our courageous prisoners and I say to you -- [I cannot] describe you, neither as heroes, nor as courageous, nor anything else. There are no words in the Arab dictionary, nor in any other dictionary, to describe you, but this modest reception is [our] utmost honor to you, your history, and your families." PMW

Israel existerar inte i de palestinska myndigheternas värld

"Palestine" replaces Israel Palestinian Media Watch
The Palestinian Authority continues to educate its people to envision a world without Israel, presenting Israeli cities and regions as "Palestinian."
This week, PA TV rebroadcast an educational documentary that has aired dozens of times since 2007. The documentary describes the Israeli cities of Haifa, Acre, Ashkelon, Jaffa and the Sea of Galilee as Palestinian.PA TV is under the direct control of the office of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

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