onsdag 2 november 2011

Palestinska myndigheternas värderingar

(PMW) In this picture, Abbas is seen with released prisoner Amal Jum'a. Jum'a was arrested with explosives in May 2004, the day before her planned suicide bombing in a Tel Aviv market. Abbas is holding a representation of the PA map of "Palestine" that includes Israel and the PA areas. A poem glorifying Martyrdom death is written on the map:
"Mother, death has come. Prepare the death shroud. Mother, to my death I march. I do not hesitate."

- Abbas hedrar terrorister

- Abbas säger att han gett order till terrorister att döda israeler

- Palestinsk TV, styrd av myndigheterna, hedrar terroristen som planerade självmordsattacken mot påskfirande judar och dödade 30 personer och gör honom till en förebild.

- Hamas medlem av palestinska parlamentet: Vi efterstävar döden som ni eftersträvar livet

Abbas admits sending terrorists to kill Israelis (PMW)
"I demand [the release of] prisoners because they are human beings, who did what we, we, ordered them to do. We, the Authority. They should not be punished while we sit at one table negotiating. This is war. One (Israel) ordered a soldier to kill, and I ordered my son, brother, or others, to carry out the duty of resistance (euphemism for terror). This person killed and the other person killed. So why say this person's hands are stained with blood, and [he] must be kept in prison?"

PA TV praises terrorist who planned Passover suicide bombing that killed 30: (PMW)

"Heroic fighter, the lion of the prison cells"
PA TV host: "We are outside the home of the patient, heroic fighter who is resolute, overcoming his chains, desiring freedom - Abbas Al-Sayid, the lion of the prison cells." PA TV host interviews released prisoner in the house of Al-Sayid: Host: "[What is] your feeling now in the home of Abbas Al-Sayid - the leader, hero, defeater of the enemies, defeater of the dungeons, and lion under interrogation?" Released female terrorist, Du'a Al-Jayousi: "He was an example and role model for us, we wanted very much to meet him." Released male terrorist, Muayyad Al-Jallad: "I do not forget our neighbor and brother, Abbas Al-Sayid. He is the crown on our heads. Allah willing, we will soon rejoice for him over his release... He is honor to the nation, and there is no doubt that he makes us proud. Allah willing, he has enough patience and will... We are all familiar with his manly qualities of heroism and strength."

Hamas using Palestinians as human shields: We desire Death as you desire Life (PMW)

Hamas member of Palestinian Parliament (Legislative Council), Fathi Hammad: "For the Palestinian people death became an industry at which women excel and so do all people on this land: the elderly excel, the Jihad fighters excel, and the children excel. Accordingly [Palestinians] created a human shield of women, children, the elderly and the Jihad fighters against the Zionist bombing machine, as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: We desire Death, as you desire Life."

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