onsdag 17 december 2014

EU domstolen - Hamas skall bort från terrorlistan

Här följer ännu ett exempel på underliga beslut som fattas när det gäller Israel och konflikten med araberna
EU domstolen (General Court of the European Union) säger i ett beslut att Hamas skall tas bort från EU:s terrorlista.
Bevisen som presenterats för att placera organisationen på listan uppfyller inte europeisk standard säger man.
EU court says Hamas should be removed from terror blacklist 

EU: Decision on removal of Hamas from terror list is legal not political 

Netanyahu: We expect the EU to put Hamas back on the terror blacklist immediately
 “The burden of proof is on the EU and we expect them to immediately return Hamas to the list where everyone realizes they should be,” Netanyahu said. “Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization whose charter says that its aim is to destroy Israel. We will continue to fight it with determination and strength so that it will never realize its aims. "

Jewish groups harshly condemn removal of Hamas from EU terror list

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