tisdag 14 mars 2017

Abbas bekräftade sitt stöd till antisemitisk ledare för utbildning

Senaste vecka träffade Mahmoud Abbas Imad Hamato i sitt högkvarter i Ramallah och uttryckte sitt stöd för honom och den rätta tolkningen av islam som Hamato står för.  I oktober 2016 utnämnde Abbas Hamato till ledare för Gaza’s Al-Azhar institute, ett system av skolor som förbereder studenter för studier vid Al-Azhar universitetet i Gaza.

Palestinian Media Watch har dokumenterat hur Imad Hamato gång på gång gett antisemitiska uttalanden.
Några exempel:
Mänskligheten kommer aldrig att leva i välstånd, så länge som judarna förorsakar förödande korruption i landet ...

En gammal man sa till mig: Om en fisk i havet kämpar med en annan fisk, är jag säker på att judarna ligger bakom det  ...

Lögner, förvrängning av sanningen, och motvilja mot sanningen flödar i deras blod ... Det är så judarna alltid handlar. De skapar krig ...

Läs mera här:Abbas appoints Antisemitic PA TV host
as dean of Gaza Al-Azhar schools

Headline: "[PA] presidential decision: Sheikh Hamato was appointed dean of the Al-Azhar institutes"
"[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decision regarding the appointment of preacher Sheikh Dr. Imad Yaqub Hamato as dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine."
[Ma’an, independent Palestinian news agency, Oct. 25, 2016]

Headline: "The [PA] president receives the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine"
"[PA] President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas received Dean of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine Sheikh Imad Hamato this evening, (Monday) [March 6, 2017], at the presidential headquarters in Ramallah.
Hamato briefed His Honor the President on the situation of the Al-Azhar institutes in Palestine, on the challenges they are dealing with, and on the development plans.
He emphasized that the institutions are committed to the respectable message of Al-Azhar, the moderate message of Islam...
The president emphasized his full support of the Al-Azhar institutes and praised their large role in conveying the correct message of Islam. His Honor [Abbas] blessed the dean of the Al-Azhar institutes on his entry into the [new] role, and wished him success in the future.
Secretary-General of the Presidential Office Tayeb Abd Al-Rahim and the president's advisor on religious and Islamic affairs and Supreme Shari'ah Judge of Palestine Mahmoud Al-Habbash were present at the meeting."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, March 6, 2017]

"Humanity will never live in comfort as long as the Jews are causing devastating corruption throughout the land. Humanity will never live in peace or fortune or tranquility as long as they are corrupting the land. An old man told me: If a fish in the sea fights with another fish, I am sure the Jews are behind it."
[Official PA TV, Feb. 27, 2015 and Feb. 25, 2016]

"They [the Jews] are usurers. See, the usury money and usurer banks, those who control the money in the world can be counted on one hand - a few individuals - and all of them belong to the Jewish world. They control the media, the money, the press, the resources, the plans."   

“They [the Jews] are the slayers of the prophets and the slayers of the innocent.There is a falsified Biblical base to their path of blood ... [Israel] erases the Islamic traces and fingerprints in Jerusalem...  Then they began to Judaize education by flooding the media, as was written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: 'We have to strive that the Westerner, the Arab, the American and the Australian will hear only what the Jews want him to hear.'"  

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