torsdag 20 januari 2011


Propaganda och vilseledande information har väl alltid varit en del av krigsföring och när det gäller konflikten mellan Israel och araberna finns det massvis med lögner, halvsanningar och vilseledande information.
Ett exempel är förklaringarna till Jawaher Abu Rahmas dödsfall för ca 3 veckor sedan.
Enligt de palestinska myndigheterna deltog hon i en protest mot säkerhetsstängslet i Bil'in, hon andades in tårgas, fördes till sjukhuset och dog.
Enligt israeliska myndigheter var informationen om Rahmas död oklar och bristfällig redan från början. Enligt deras uppgifter hade hon överhuvudtaget inte deltagit i protesterna.
Den israeliska utredningen av dödsfallet har nu blivit klar. Enligt den befann sig Jawaher Abu Rahma i ett hus 500 m från demonstrationen och senare på dagen fördes hon till sjukhus och dog till följd av den medicinska behandling hon fick, vilket inte hade något met tårgas att göra.
Det kan också nämnas att det palestinska myndigheterna vägrade komma till ett möte där de skulle ha informerats om de israeliska undersökningarna.
Lögner, propaganda och vilseledande information och någonstans finns sanningen.

IDF: Bil'in protester died of medical malpractice
Jawaher Abu Rahma, the woman who Palestinians claimed died in late December as a result of breathing IDF-fired tear gas during an anti-security barrier demonstration near Bil’in, died from the medical treatment she received at a Ramallah hospital, an IDF probe into the incident has concluded.Abu Rahma, IDF sources said on Saturday, did not participate in the demonstration but was inside a house about 500 meters away. She was, however, evacuated to a hospital in Ramallah later in the day and treated for an ailment whose nature remained unclear...
IDF: 'Dead Bil’in woman may not have been at protest'
A Palestinian woman, reported to have been killed by inhaling tear gas fired by IDF troops during an anti-security barrier protest on Friday, was apparently not at the protest, IDF sources said on Monday.The IDF sources based their new assessment on medical documents that they obtained on Monday from the Palestinian Authority, which had initially refused to hand over the papers documenting 35-year-old Jawaher Abu Rahma’s death.
“The whole story is full of inconsistencies,” one senior officer said.One example of an inconsistency was in the medical documents themselves. A lab report of blood work done for Abu Rahma showed that the blood was taken at 2:45 p.m. Friday afternoon. Another page from the report, which showed her time of admission to the hospital, put it at 3:20 p.m.In addition, the medicine that she received, according to the reports, was medicine used to treat people suffering from blood cancer, poison or a drug overdose.The IDF also questioned the way her death was reported. On Friday afternoon, the IDF received, like most weeks after the protest, a report that two demonstrators had been lightly wounded and were evacuated to a Ramallah hospital. By the evening, the PA updated the IDF that the two had been released to their homes.The next morning, the IDF suddenly received a report that Abu Rahma had been killed...
PA nixes meeting with IDF over Abu Rahma findings
Army planned to present PA officials with evidence contradicting claim that woman's death was result of tear gas.
Protester death shows IDF may be using most dangerous type of tear gas
Jawaher Abu Rahmah died Saturday as a result of tear gas shot by IDF soldiers during demonstrations against the separation fence on Friday.

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